If anyone had told me, years ago, that I'd be behind a military coup in America, I would've laughed in their faces. Are you kidding? Please.
But right now, I'd welcome one. The people in uniform are so much better, so much more in touch with reality, than our civilian leadership.
There's a reason for this. They experience war. It's their friends that die. It's their friends that are maimed. They understand war firsthand.
Right now, they're calling for Rumsfeld's resignation. Good call. Excellent call.
As usual, there are public reasons, and private reasons.
The public reasons are that he's screwed up Iraq and intimidates our soldiers' leaders into following his ill-laid plans. Those are excellent reasons, and do cut to the heart of the matter.
But there are other reasons that do not show up in the news.
I think the main one, and the one that is driving the issue and its publicity right now, is the plan to bomb, and very possibly nuke, Iran.
This has been reported for a while, and has been brought to the attention of the mainstream media by Seymour Hersh's article about it.
This seems to have drawn a line for those in service. There have been so many travesties, and this was the last straw. They had to speak up.
Bad enough to kill Americans by doing 9/11. Bad enough to bring false pretenses to start a war in Iraq. Bad enough to foment a civil war in Iraq in order to weaken the country and keep it under American control.
But nuking a country? Breaking that taboo? That was crossing a line even a good soldier has trouble crossing.
I want to give my greatest thanks to the generals that are standing up, and standing for what is right in America. We'd be a lot better off if they were in charge.