And more horrific, even though the worst of the raping will be over come November, hopefully, if the Dems take back one or both houses of congress, the worst rapist of all will still be alive, still in the house-- the whitehouse.
Legislators should be beginning to forewarn US citizens that it is not going to be pretty. there are some very deep wounds, some bleeding, festering pustulent open sores that are going to need a lot of expensive, intensive treatment. There will be losses that can't be stopped, can't be recovered.
The trauma induced by the ravagers of early 21st century America will echo in the hearts of Americans for decades. Trust will be a very rare commodity. One of the first things the 2007 congress should do is to pass serious laws, with teeth, that take the dirty money, the corporate and PAC money out of elections.
Once the 2007 congress is under way, if the Dems manage to eke out a majority in both houses, they should start impeachment proceedings for Bush and Cheney. The proceedings may not work, but one goal should be to immobilize and castrate Bush and his toxic whitehouse, including Cheney. If both Bush and Cheney can be impeached, then the Democratic Speaker of the house will become president. That will make for some interesting jockeying on the House floor. For all we know, a senior congressman like John Murtha could become president.
The congress should revoke the war powers Bush was given and begin investigating Bush, Gonzalez, Cheney, Rumsfeld , Rove... Clinton blew it with Bush senior, who should have been brought to trial. The lesson should be learned. The criminals should be tried convicted, sentenced and punished.
Another problem a Dem congress will face is corporations run wild. Image a zoo with all the animals let out of their cages. Well corporations have been running wild, ravaging America for the past six years. It will be quite a job to not only rein them in but to also reinstate regulations and laws, and to go even further. Corporations should be treated like nuclear energy-- powerful, potentially deadly, potentially useful, but something to be very careful in the use of.
The US will face a world that no longer respects or trusts us. We must take strong, dynamic steps to heal the wounds in our relationships with old friends. We must quickly reverse some of the insane, stupid things Bush has done, like the agreement to share nuclear technology with India.
We must sever our WTO, NAFTA and CAFTA agreements and start from scratch, with organic global policies that recognize that no organic entity, no living thing can survive without a skin, and that we can't survive unless we build some kind of rules into our global relations that act like a membrane, protecting us, while letting some trade in and out.
We must throw out the health insurance and pharmaceutical company lobbyists and pass true universal, single payor health insurance, cutting out the greedy middlemen. Just cutting them out will pay for covering all Americans. Then, the increased profits our major corporations will experience will bring in taxes and hiring that produces more jobs, more tax income. We'll start turningn around the huge deficit. Bringing back Clinton era taxes on people in the top two percent bracket will also go a long way in making taxes fair, and returning the US to fiscal sanity.
It's time to stop giving corporations the breaks they've been getting, hiring illegal immigrants. That has to stop. When it does, the attraction will no longer be there, drawing illegals across our borders.
It's going to be tough. There will be some serious adjusting to get used to. But it will be what we need to do to rescue America. Let's pray it's not too late.