But that's not what the title of my article is about. It's time for Bush and Cheney to be impeached. The timing is tricky. We need to get this started NOW. The Republicans are seeing the writing on the wall. Americans-- all but the most wealthy and the most blinded by religious fervor-- are wide awake and seeing how Bush has lied to us and betrayed the nation. Republican legislators are in trouble and the one way they can maybe save their butts is to dump Bush. That means they have to take action before the election, so the voters will see they mean business.
Every Democratic legislator and every Democratic candidate should be calling for impeachment. Any candidate who is too timid, too republican lite to commit should be looking for another job, outside of politics, or in a different party.
Now is the time when all good Democrats show their spines and unify as members of a party that offers the hope of saving the country. It is not the time to be vague and obfuscative (mealy-mouthed and evasive.) It is not the time to hedge your bets. If you are working for a campaign, if you are an activist in your community, if you are a financial supporter or have been, at any time, then this is the time to tell your legislators, tell the candidates that you support that they MUST speak out about impeachment. The state legislators in Illinois have shown that even state legislators can make a difference. So make sure you let your state legislative candidates know they are not off the hook either, that you expect them to take a stand too.
Will Republicans sign on? Some may. Most won't But here are some interesting possible scenarios.
The congress is taken over-- both houses, by Democrats. The house calls for impeachment of Bush and Cheney. Cheney will resign and Bush will try to appoint a replacement VP. The Democrat controlled congress will refuse to accept his nomination while he is being impeached. The Senate executes the impeachment. With Bush and Cheney gone, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the house will become president.
A worst, and more likely possibility. Bush and Cheney see the writing on the wall. Cheney resigns. They appoint either Rudy Giuliani, Condeleeza Rice or John McCain as VP. It will probably not be McCain, because that would cost them a senate seat. Bill Frist might also be on the short list. They will pick someone who they think has the best shot at winning the 2008 election. Once the VP is confirmed, if this happens, Bush will very likely resign. That will happen if they are successful in appointing a VP, who, when assuming the presidency, grants Bush total clemency. Of course, this would be the most reprehensible thing imaginable. That's why it would be essential to make it clear that Democrats should not allow the appointment of any VP before the next congress comes into office. That may require a filibuster. We've seen how despicably weak the current crop of Democrats have been, with regard to filibusters. This will be more important than the Supreme court Alito failure by the Democrats.
It's one reason why fake Democrats like Joe Lieberman must be removed from office, by replacing him in the CT primary. It's why republican lite candidates like Bob Casey, jr., in PA must be rejected in the coming primary.
Bottom line. We need to dump the republican lites from the Democratic party. We need to demand that Democratic candidates commit to supporting and initiating impeachment. It's a good litmust test that will identify the candidates with guts from the candidates who will join the spineless centrist dems.
Your assignment is to contact your Democratic candidates and let them know that you won't vote for them unless they stand up for impeachment, up for censure and that they'll commit to filibustering. Write in to local listserves and advocate that others do the same. Now is the time. Do it. We are near a tipping point. Don't wait for others to do what YOU can help make happen.