3:00 A.M.. I bolted upright out of a fitful night’s sleep bathed in a cold sweat; feeling disoriented and unsure of my surroundings. It had been a night filled with terrible and surreal images, flashing multi colored lights, blaring music along with fanatical primal screams. There was perverse ritual animal sex and less surprisingly human sacrifice. Have you ever seen a elephant mount a donkey? It’s chilling to think about man, even now; all these months later and I still feel unclean; violated by the whole experience. The boys from Bohemian Grove sure pulled out all the stops for this one. I try to push them out of my mind but resistance is futile and the memories crash over me like a wave of nausea.
It’s been a little more than three years since the opulent masturbatory orgy that was the Recorprecon National Convention and yet the hangover refuses to go away. Maybe the Kool-Aid was spiked, I don‘t know for sure what it was but something wasn’t right I could feel it, maybe it was the Ecstasy. The crowd swelled to near fanatical fervor by means of petulant self-gratifying slogans and sound bites provided by the finest P.R. spinners the “B” team and their seemingly endless slush fund could buy. The Bushshites rocked the house with the stirring strains of “Taking Care of Business”. And the assembled cult of Pimps, Panderers, Prostitutes and requisite assorted groupies swayed together in perfect time, each sharing a wink and a nod knowing that it was true. Their time was now.
Meanwhile out on the street, protestors numbering in the tens of thousands, (and some say many more) assembled to voice their opposition to a wide range of Bush policies, all the while being kept safely away from the frenzied mob at Madison Square Garden for their own protection. Who knew what bizarre rituals or strange rights of passage might be going down, deep in the dark inner sanctum of R.N.C. central? Some said there was a heavily muscled High Priest of Austrian decent there, perhaps to conduct the ritual sacrifices. No one can really be sure, although it is rumored that he did say something about looking for “girly men” or some such weirdness. Who really knows what might go on beyond the prying eyes of the uninvited and uninitiated at one of these High Octane R.N.C. Party Line Raves?
We can however rest assured that palms were greased, donors were stroked, alliances were made and deals were struck in that cesspool of excess, greed and corruption. Where insanity bred of power, privilege and contempt becomes a drug. Make no mistake about it though, amateurs aren’t working this crowd, pushers like Dick Cheney and Carl Rove have been working this mob for years. Toss ‘em a bone once in a while and they’re hooked. And sadly enough some stay hooked for life. But still there was hope, we could have acted preemptively, we had the opportunity to take the initiative and do an intervention. Then perhaps those poor souls lost, may have been saved from the bloody G.O.P. monkey on their collective backs. But alas a lack, this was not to be.
So as the mob swayed in unison and the protesters were protected, N.Y.C was locked down under a heightened terror alert color Orange. We were all assured the we were safer than ever because of George’s war on terror. We were all told that the economy was stronger than ever despite deficit spending in the billions with money borrowed from China. And despite the millions of unemployed Americans. We where told that Operation Iraqi Liberation (O-I-L) was going well despite a body count in the thousands . Even as the mob swayed, more people died. And there was George spankin his monkey.
But that was then this is now Three long years have passed since then, grinding away in agonizing slow motion like that of a dreamer who can’t get out of the way of an oncoming train. And like witnesses to an impending train wreck we are repulsed yet unable to look away. While this has been a nightmare it is no dream and too it seems that this truly is a train wreck of historic proportions. The American public mandated for change in the country’s course in the mid term elections, by electing a Democratic majority in Washington. And when the bell rang for the fight to start, the Democrats came out of their corner swinging like an ageing punch-drunk prizefighter that could take a punch but no longer manage to land the decisive blows.
And so it’s been for this pathetic weak minor majority, one half hearted, failed attempt after another. To make matters worse Nancy Pelosie the heralded liberal fron San Fransiaco anounced before the opening bell that the impeachment option was off the table, how can you stick your guns if you leave them at home? Yet at the same time the White House continued its jaugernaught assalt not only on our country’s constitution but the world at large. Cheney/Bush smugly prop up one tin pot dictator while condemning another, ignoring one genoside while conducting another. I have long thought that if Iraq was floating on a sea of lime jello instead of oil Cheney/Bush would not have given Saddam a second thought.
From Camp Bondsteel near Kosovo on the Caspian Sea to mountainous Afghanistan, to the OIL fields of Iraq. Bush Co. and their surrogates have been consolidating control and influence in that regon under the auspices of a contrived War on terror. And now the drums of war are beating again. Ask not for whom, Iran they beat for thee. And still the majority leadership sits on their hands off the table of course.Despite the finding of the new NIE on Iran, Bush steadfastly clings to the claim that Iran is an imnent threat. It’s just like deja-vu all over again.
And speaking of lil’ George and his propensity for lying. His last press conference in which Dumb-a-ewe bravely stood his ground, was surely ol George at his finest. He was glib, articulate with a self depreciating sense of humor. He spoke so well that when I first turned on the radio, I found my self wondering who this smooth talking Texan was. But it didn’t take to long to recognize the sniveling whine of this Simps rationalizations. It wasn’t hard to envision the plebe frat rat, Stinky Bush trying to curry favor with the jocks and the other big men on campus with the same schtick. I can only emagine how hard that must have been for a male cheerleader.
It’s been one hell of a ride these last seven years, But like all things this too must pass. The Bush years are finley in their death throes. And like rats fleeing a sinking ship republicans all over Washington are dumping elected posts to duck upcoming dead line restrictions for becoming lobbyists. White House insiders are fleeing their appointed posts, and most if not all of these dedicated “civil serpents’’ claim to be leaving to spend more time with their families. In a fair and just world this assortment of pimps and whores and pushers would be spending that quality time with the fam before reporting for lock up. Most recently Bush’s CIA has been caught destroying videos of torture sessions, and wouldn’t you know it Dubaya had no knowledge of their existence or destruction. What a shocker!
The nights stars are beginning to fade , the first amber rays of dawn are beginning to light up the far horizon now and the fear and loathing of night begins to fade as well.Dawn brings with it a sence of renewal along with the promise of a new day.But this is still Bush world and there are snakes on the plane and every thing is not alright! The same democrats that said Impeachment is off the table are the same bunch of turncoats that signed off on the war powers act (that gave George the ability to start a war with out congress’s consent) and the military commissions act( that gave George free rein to commit war crimes and not be prosecuted for them) the patriot act (with out reading it) the bankruptcy bill and the removal of safeguards for the environment. They have consistently mouthed the words of protest and consistently taken a dive in the end.
So whats it gonna be America? Are you going to follow the “example” your spinless “elected officials” have set, or are you gonna show some balls and show this bunch of slackers the door. No more likely the vast majority will probably just roll over and take it from behind all the while singing “I may be going to hell in a bucket but at least I’m enjoying the ride”. Hi Ho.