Every day or two FOX News personality Bill O'Reilly orders his staff to peruse the popular lexicon for some obscure word with which he can impress his illiterate, bible-thumping, trailer-trash fan club. Those of his troglodyte tribe of dullards who are capable of using a dictionary, and actually have one, drool breathlessly at what acrobatic verbiage their genius conservative wordsmith has wrought to confound and strike dumb the hapless "smarty-pants" liberals.
To all but his knuckle-dragging admirers, O'Reilly himself, dictionary/staff aside, quickly proves to be nothing more than, what is defined in the modern vernacular, as a pseudo-intellectual. I doubt that too many of his dim-wit cow-herd have or could read this far...but just in case..."pseudo" is a prefix which means phony....in eubonic O-Reilly would be called a "poser".... "falso" in illegal alien......a fake....an imposter....a bloviator extraordinaire....which in modern American English means...big-time blowhard.
Mr. Bill's nonsensical hogwash doesn't fool anyone with an IQ greater than their waist-line. Even to the casual observer he is an obviously semi-intelligent poorly-disguised racist, bigot, as well as a relentless unapologetic and apoplectic liar. But boy has he got nerve...to spew such a hateful creed for three hours a day and then claim to be the compassionate, caring, tolerant, progressive, "concerned" Uncle Bill....the liberal.
This loud-mouth buffoon, like Limbaugh, is also a pseudo-comedian who often mistakes his own sour-faced bile-bloated blather for a sense of humor, when like Bush and the rest of the GOP NeoKKKon crime family, he's neither intelligent nor clever enough to actually be funny (intentionally).
Some reasons O'Reilly's Reich-wing "humor" is not funny is that it is not spontaneous, ironic or witty, and it is always mean-spirited. Only when they are caught on tape, and fired or criticized for being the racist bigot pigs they are.....do O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Imus & Co...suddenly and unabashedly pull their tongue out of their butt, announce it was a harmless "misunderstood joke" and proclaim themselves comedians....They would do better as mimes.
Nobody...but nobody!... laughs louder at O'Reilly's "jokes" than O'Reilly himself and it doesn't fool his liberal detractors..... or his mouth-breathing skin-head band of merry men who get their laughs dragging people chained by the neck behind their pick-up trucks, or crucifying gay people on barbwire fences. They can rest assured in the knowledge that he is every bit the humorless, racist, bigot, hate-monger they know and trust him to be, regardless of how he spins it with his Dick Cheney smile and Ann Coulter howl.
Perhaps the most repulsive of all his multiple personalities is O-Reilly the pseudo-Christian. Why anyone, besides an ambitious politician or avaricious televangelist, would consciously be a pseudo-Christian is beyond me. So I have to conclude that Bill really thinks he is a Christian. Wow! I can say with unequivocal confidence that if there is a more unforgiving, unrepentant, hypocrite, liar, murder-minded, Jew-hating, mean, intolerant, racist, bigoted, nasty, hateful, money-changer, anti-Christ than Bill O-Reilly he's the turd infesting the White House. Of course this sells really well with his base American Red-State Pseudo-Christian Taliban base. They, equally delusional, think they're Christians too.
Not much is made of Jesus hating people, (except maybe infidel Western white-skinned imperialist invaders of his Middle-Eastern country), but O-Reilly is definitely a first-class sinner in every sense of the word..... except I never heard him curse his mother and he defends Santa Claus and Christmas trees.
O-Reilly doesn't talk much about love, women, family...the good things in life... with any genuine affection, authority or sincerity. He appears sadly dysfunctional and unacquainted with these and many other elements of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness". I personally suspect that, in his heart of hearts, he's a closet pedophile wanna-be masquerading as a "compassionate conservative" who's concern for the safety and well-being of the family...and in particular children... is....well....just plain creepy and weird.
No matter how he spins it O-Reilly cannot hide the fact that he is a confused sociopath personality, who can't tell right from wrong. He exhibits a colossal inferiority complex which, symptomatic to his pathology, he hides behind a loud-mouth bloviating facade of know-it-all superiority. I'm sure if he were to read this little piece, I and Op/Ed would be the targets of another violent hate-filled expletive-laced temper-tantrum from the pathetic middle-aged juvenile delinquent, poor-excuse-for-a-human-being that is the real Bill O-Reilly.