And while we're at it, let's demote Sen. John McCain who loves Rep. Murtha but totally disagrees. I just don't GET McCain. He plays kissie with Bush, supporting a war in Iraq that looks more and more like Vietnam everyday, a war in which John McCain was a prisoner, held in captivity and tortured and then tortured some more when he was running against Bush for President and was maligned repeatedly by the Bushies, but he still stands along side George. Look, John, this man and his brain, Karl, pretty much said you were a lunatic as a result of all those days when you were cooped up in a cage in Vietnam. They accused you of fathering an illegitimate child and on and on and on and you still support this President and his Vice, Uncle Fester. Why? I mean, your continued scaffolding of this Administration actually, in fact, gives some credibility to their saying you're a nut case. Why would you buttress this Criminal Element and beat the drum for a war that's just as insane as the conflict which, according to Karl and George, turned you into a psychotic freak? Beats me.
Okay, so you've written a book entitled Character is Destiny. Should that impress me? Should I log on to and order this or rush to the nearest bookstore? If you had any character at all, you'd be moving as far from Bush and Cheney as Cheney moved from Mary Cheney and her significant other at the Republican National Convention.
And destiny. What's yours? Obviously, you want to be President. That's why you talk one minute about your close relationship with Rep. Murtha and then your head spins around and you're supporting the war in Iraq. Is this the road to the highest office in our country? Seems like it, based on who's in the oval office right now. But, please, assure me it isn't so. Tell me I can look forward to the day when there's a straight talker in the White House. Okay, not just a straight talker but someone who sounds like he's at least finished middle school instead of the bumbling Bush who doesn't read the newspaper, trips over names of foreign dignitaries, and according to a source of mine in Texas, has a wife who literally cringes when he speaks extemporaneously. Me, too, Laura, but then I also cringe when he's scripted. All those gyrations, the head bobbing, the twisting of his mouth and, now, a new tic.
But back to your book, Sen. McCain. Maybe, I need to read it. But for some reason, I just don't want to spend the money. I mean, why should I when I can watch The Simpsons? I do like your title, Character is Destiny, though it's a tad narcissistic. But when I see you on television, cheerleading for a team that did so much to smear you, I think I'd rather read M. Scott Peck's People of the Lie.