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Veterans vs Amnesty

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Pat Pacer
Message Pat Smith

Veteran's vs Amnesty

While our troops are bravely fighting for freedom in the Middle East, at home it appears freedom is free for illegals as they invade our great Nation. The Democrats advocating for amnesty are saying that citizenship for illegals will cost them each a $5,000 dollar fee. In reality what these politicians are saying; is that the lives of the brave heroes we lost in this war on terror are each only worth five thousand dollars?

Here in Pa. we have Veterans living underneath bridges, and employed illegal's living in the rental properties! How can our government propose to give amnesty to 20 million low-wage earning illegal's, all of whom will then be eligible for free government welfare programs, when they can not help just a few hundred thousand Veterans, many who just need proper medical care or are truly homeless, or unemployed? Here in Pa. presently there are Veterans living underneath a bridge in the Wilkes-Barre area, while employed illegal aliens are living in our rental properties!

Just a few weeks ago I watched Senator Kennedy (D-Mass) hard at work on C-Span showing on his charts how 7 million US citizens are presently unemployed. He also showed how presently there are only 4 million jobs available in the United States. How can Democrats push for the amnesty of 20 million illegal aliens, while providing us with the best evidence against it? Now even if the four million jobs available in the US are all "jobs American don't want to do", and so we then give amnesty to 20 million low wage earning illegal's to fill up these 4 million available jobs, what about the 7 million unemployed Americans and the other 16 million (then) naturalized citizens?? Amnesty would make an already bad situation much worst. Only in America: Veterans vs. Amnesty for 20 million illegals. The help needed for this new generation of Veterans has a tangible price tag; the cost of amnesty is infinite....

Illegals are the biggest contributors to unemployment in the US, and they are forcing many US citizens into early retirement. Two illegals are working for the price of one American and with no employee benefits. They help the employer in the present and future. My school taxes have nearly doubled because of the illegal's many, many children in our public schools.

What we should realize from the cost of this necessary war in the Middle East; is that in just a few short months in time the United States would save very, very much money by invading Mexico and forcing the Mexican government to take care of their own people, instead of the US supporting all the illegal's in our country.

This is not a matter of racism; in high school my best friend was from Mexico and she had nine hot brothers. They did everything legal, was never on welfare, one of her brothers became a Doctor and still gives much to our community. Here is something I can document with real people who already lost doing the work they love thanks to illegals.

A very ex-friend of mine always bragged about the money he was saving by hiring illegals and (of course) what great workers they are (home-depot regional management). He then arranged for some of them to work on and clean his mother-in-law's small business. Then they where hired to do the lawn work at their homes. Actually, the only American they still use is the pool guy. But give the illegal's a bit more time and they will 'pool' enough cash together to invest in some pool cleaning equipment.

At the same time another friend lost her small home cleaning business, two young mothers that were looking for an apartment together so they could move out of the welfare housing project lost also their employment there. You know the job's Americans don't want to do?

One year prior to the above another friend lost their family run small landscaping business. You know the job's Americans don't want to do?

If all these low wage illegal's receive amnesty the already filled to capacity low-income welfare housing projects will become a real war zone! I can add many more pages of information . . .

If you're ever in Pa just e-mail me and you can meet all these people, just please bring ICE with you. And the reason you don't see hungry illegal's is because about 20 live in the same house and that is a lot of cash (billions) that gets sent back into the Mexican economy each year. If illegals do get hungry here they just visit the local Catholic Church and polish a few pews. Soon the Catholic church is going to run out of free food because people are smarting up and I am one of many that will no longer pay church dues.

How can our government propose to give amnesty to 20 million low-wage earning illegal's, all of whom will then be eligible for free government welfare programs, when they can not help just a few hundred thousand Veterans, many who just need proper medical care or are truly homeless, or unemployed? Here in Pa. presently there are Veterans living underneath a bridge in the Wilkes-Barre area, while employed illegal aliens are living in our rental properties!

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As a disabled female veteran I used my VA benefits to obtain a BA in the bs of political science. I am compelled to help our new veterans recieve a comfortable, productive future they so rightly deserve.
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