Brilliant Youtube Vid About Very Realistic Voter Suppression Effort in 2008
Bradblog is onto something when it comes to the irresponsibility of the Daily Kos about the election integrity debate. The record of Markos and his gang of election fraud denialists (phrase courtesy of Mark Crispin Miller) is simply horrible. We've tried the DNC establishment/Markos technique of simply ignoring the problem and hoping that it will go away in both 2000 and 2004. That simply didn't work.
Democrats, or at least democrats who don't secretly like the results of the 2000 and 2004 election that screws the working fella base of the party, should assume the election process is guilty until proven innocent by both verifiable ballot and open auditing that we all can see. In fact, you should be pissed off about it and you should even "hyperventilate" some.
Now, thanks to the Youtubes, which we can find on the Internets, someone explains the problem in a simple way that even Markos Moulitsas and his election fraud denialist attack hack Dana Houle can easily understand. God knows they won't read and probably can't comprehend the half dozen excellent largely unrebutted books written by Bob Fitrakis, Mark Crispin Miller, Greg Palast and a number of statisticians and even one Kennedy. Here it is in moving pictures.
You know, this is pretty funny but from what I've seen I'm pretty sure it isn't a joke.
Bottom Line: If you've lost two consecutive presidential elections because of voter suppression of the DNC base, then you might want to counteract those efforts in 2008. That means not calling election integrity movement leaders "nutters" and not banning people who bring these issues up at your "forum". You might even take a hand in pushing for a stronger Holt bill. Both Fitrakis and Kathy Dopp have outlined solutions. Unless you're on the other side of course.
And, I have to admit, I sometimes wonder if Markos did take that CIA job. There were old school media persons who were Company Men in the past, why not New Media men, who were once republicans, on the payroll as well? Remember: all of the glitches seem to benefit republicans and/or the most conservative of democratic candidates. It would be nice if the Great Orange Satan could catch a clue.
Philip Shropshire