The late Barbara Tuchman called what is happening here The March of Folly. In the march of folly, governments allege one goal while implementing strategy that accomplishes the opposite. I take her point one step further; I ascribe to this government, at least, the motive of intentional deceit.
I think that this effort to preserve our democracy by threatening its destruction is deliberate and intentional and that lying us into international intrigue is intentional. I believe the real agenda of our Shadow government is self-evident: our occupational government has domination of the oil-rich Caspian Sea region a top objective and they are willing to do anything, say anything to accomplish that goal. Meanwhile they are selling us on nuclear power as the "alternative fuel" for everything but automobiles and decrying "environmental concerns" as illegitimate. (and denying its desirablility and safety anywhere else in the world)
There is a stated goal and a real agenda. The real agenda is spelled out in the neocon documents created before Bush took power committed to that agenda. Selling it on other terms, dedicated to it all the way. Now, the "new would-be kings" are all onboard with that agenda privately, you can bet, or they won't be elected, you can bet.
I refer to our government as an occupational government. The U.S. Government with it's de facto King is not a constitutional government.
It is run by the Shadow People. We know who some of the "front figures" in the international "Shadow Government" are: we know of the Cheney-Haliburton and George H. W. Bush-Carlyle Group connections. We know that the Clintons are close to Daddy Bush for international political purposes. We know that the CIA works for the President and that the President is the puppet-king of the Real Powers.
Coming from my fundamentalist background (while disclaiming it now), I use the term Beast to describe this anti-Constitutional and anti-biblical System in Power now.
This the Beast we feed with our tax monies (those of you who do; or I did when I paid taxes or had them taken from me by the occupational government) .
This is the Beast that bases its public statements on the P. T. Barnum maxim: "There's a sucker born every minute".
The Beast that tells us they have one agenda when, in researchable fact, they have another agenda: domination.
In this shortened article, I just want you notice one thing: they (the Beast and his False Prophets) always get what they need to drive their real agenda: the return of the hostages from Iran the day Reagan took office; the bombing of American Mammon symbols; 9-11; the assassination of Bhutto, to cite four from "recent history", beginning with my dropout from the System in 1980-81.
The occupational government has ALWAYS treated themselves to whatever they needed, it appears, to drive their real agenda.
Meanwhile, they lie and hit hot buttons and create chaos and controversy with the intent to promote fear, dependency on their goal of domination.
The Beast is Mammon, from my tradition's viewpoint. It is ungodly how the American Religious Right has joined with the Beast in its diabolical building of an Empire of domination in this distressed world.
Those of us who care about the Earth and the Future Generations recognize an "X-file" in operation when we see one.
That's what we have happening here.
Steve Pipkin-Savage, 29 Dec 2007 2:37 p.m.