The religious right is ranting that the media is waging war on Christians declaring that there is a War on Christians in America. They claim that a cabal of Hollywood Jews, the news media, academia, the courts, and activist groups like the ACLU and Anti-Defamation League are waging war on the religious right. Here's their proof:
A Washington Post story was entitled "'War' on Christians Is Alleged."
The story "misidentified" Dr. Rick Scarborough, president of Vision America (the conference host) as a "radio commentator." That's real name calling to a religious righter.
The dastardly reporter included "extensive quotes" from critics.
Worse, the media dared report absurd claims that the religious right is experiencing unprecedented power.
"V for Vendetta is the most explicitly anti-Christian movie to date. . . (Would Warner Brothers distribute a film about Britain becoming an Islamic republic?)" Actually, can you believe that Hollywood has actually made a movie were the terrorists were not dark-skinned Muslims?
Then there is that "literary hatchet-job" by Kevin Phillips, the apostate Republican conservative that warns in "American Theocracy" that radicalized, fundamentalist religion will destroy democracy and western civilization.
If all that isn't proof of all out warfare then I don't know what guns, bombs and missiles could possibly add. As to inflammatory rhetoric and fallacious claims of persecution, listen to some choice quotes from the religious right:
"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."
Ann Coulter
"It's going to be a spiritual battle. There will be Satanic forces...We are not going to be coming up just against human beings, to beat them in elections. We're going to be coming up against spiritual warfare."
Pat Robertson.
"We are approaching a time when Christians, especially, may have to declare the social contract between Enlightenment rationalists and Biblical believers - which formed the basis of the constitution written at our nation's founding - null and void."
Cal Thomas
"I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good...Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called on by God to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism."
Randall Terry
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