It seems that wherever you look, you can see the ugly demons that truly drive and lead George Bush's right wing administration and followers. The Cesspool is overflowing, and the ugly creatures that truly drive the right wing's policy are showing their horrific faces on talk radio, in response to Mother Cindy Sheehan, in response to the real democracy that is emerging in South American politics, in torture policies at Abu Ghraib, in the compromises for the Iraqi constitution.
There's a new batch of Abu Ghraib pictures so bad, so shameful they will justifiably inflame the fury of the Arab and Islamic world. The pictures have been shown to members of congress and they were shocked. reports the following comments.
""It was disgusting," said Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson. "There were new ones that we hadn't seen before, and they're bad. I mean there's no doubt about that." Bad enough to show to Congress apparently, but not the American people.
The NewsHour's Ray Suarez said the images reportedly depict "assault, coerced sexual activity, rape, even dead bodies." Some may have originated outside of Abu Ghraib. Rep. Jane Harman said she saw videos of a prisoner banging his head against a wall and a group of men masturbating. "Some of the videos are more disturbing than the still photos that you've seen," added Sen. Bill Nelson.
calling for the assassination of Hugo Chavez, these banned images show how out of control, how disgustingly perverted and sick the leadership chain has allowed itself to become. There is plenty of proof that these horrifically sadistic, pathetic acts of torture and degradation have occurred not only under the watch of Rumsfeld, Cheney, Gonzalez and Bush, but with their awareness and intentional support. We know that the republican led congress has made efforts to protect the perpetrators, perhaps even to enable them to continue their unconscionable acts.
Capitol Hill Blue reported, in a recent article, Is Bush Out of Control?
"Buy beleaguered, overworked White House aides enough drinks and they tell a sordid tale of an administration under siege, beset by bitter staff infighting and led by a man whose mood swings suggest paranoia bordering on schizophrenia."
We have news commentators sliming, Plaming, and brutally, cruelly attacking Mother Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in a war started based on lies.
Over and over, the dark, ugly side of the right wing is showing its true, horrifyingly ugly face, like some second rate monster in a B movie. But these ugly surfacings are real. These awful words, actions, and behaviors are not fictional. They are shameful, outrageous and, most important, real reflections of the leadership of the group that is now in charge of the power in the USA.
These are not isolated incidents. I'm no believer in demons or the antichrist, though I did write an article last year, AntiChrist George Bush and His Bishops from Hell-- in which I commented,
""their leaders have failed them morally, leading them to unknowingly make a deal with the devil, so they support the closest thing to the antiChrist this planet has ever seen.
"The leaders, including Jerry Fallwell, James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Reverend Sun Myung Moon (owner of Washington Times) and too many Catholic Bishops, advise their "flocks" to support the Republican party"
There's a pattern that is emerging, an ugly, hard-to-look-at pattern which we know the mainstream media will fail to pull together, though they may, in their desire to prey upon the worst in people, use the most lurid images and ideas separately. The pattern is the repeated, almost ubiquitous emergence of the mean, thoroughly disgusting, unexcusable evidence of who the right wing leaders really are. It is time to expose them.