The Dems did NOT know what Bush knew,as Bush and his propagandists say. The Bush merely lie continues there.
The Dems who voted to give Bush the power to start a war knew what Bush told them. They knew what was filtered by the administration. That's hugely different than knowing the same thing.
It's such a blatantly simple lie it's hard to understand why each and every time a right wing pundit or spokesman utters the lie the news anchor or moderator doesn't get in his face and confront it.
What the Democrats did not know was that the CIA and others had told the Bush administration that the information they were sharing with the Democrats was unreliable or just plain BAD information.
Maybe the Bush administration lied to the Republican Senators too. Maybe the Republican senators also trusted the Bush administration to be telling the truth. Maybe both the Democrats AND Republicans were deceived by the half truths the Bush administration told.
Now we know that the important information was not the details of the threat of WMDs. The important information was that the threats were unsubstantiated. We know that there was a boiler room in the pentagon, the Office of Special Plans, run by Cheney and Libby, where the threats were amplified and cooked into more than they really were. We know that the deceptions were systematic and intentional.
If the Republicans are not outraged, then they are part of the cover-up. It is time to start the process of impeaching Bush and Cheney. But we should wait, so the final removal of these lying war criminal traitors from office occurs after January, 2007, when the Republicans in the House and Senate have been removed through the election process, so Dennis Hastert is not the next in line to become president.
The main goal of this article is to refute Bush's claims that the Democrats based their vote on the same information that he had. That is a blatant lie. It is another issue altogether that they voted as they did, for the war. When I watched Colin Powell address the UN, I was certain then that he was lying, that he'd betrayed America. And millions of people around the world protested. They knew Bush and his people were lying. We knew the Democrats who voted for the war had been spineless, under the leadership of Tom Daschle. Regardless, Bush's latest defense against accusations that he lied, that he knew his claims were false, is another lie, another distortion, deception and fabrication. But now, there are less who believe him. My previous articles on the remaining Bush Cul Kool Aid drinkers and the remaining Evangelicals who still support him discuss reasons why he still has any support left at all.
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