It is time for the antiwar movement to get out in the streets with one message. Congressional representatives must make it clear to the Bush whitehouse that they have cut off their authorization of any further warmaking.
We know that there is now a risk that the chickenhawk neocons who wrote of grandiose visions of empire before Bush was President will take their fantasies, in spite of their massively incompetent failure in judgment and action to date, to the dangerous next step of nuclear aggression.
It is essential that the congress take away the excuse the whitehouse has used for repeated violations of laws and abuses of the constitution and the bill of rights. The only way to do that is to pass a resolution stating that Bush and his team have had their authorization to wage war revoked-- period.
I'd suggest that congress also make it clear that they don't permit Bush to spy on Americans, that he must follow the laws that he has been abusing. But I hesitate because the rubber stamp corrupt republicans might try to turn this into a license for Bush to violate the law.
So, for now, I suggest we get out in the streets and demand that our legislators tell Bush, with a formal motion, that he is NOT permitted to attack Iran, that his license to wage war has been rescinded.