DESPERATE!! Pulling out their hair, screaming, stripped to their underwear, running around like a chicken without a head wild, crazy desperate. That's how these spineless, gutless, characterless, no integrity sleazoids are handling the collapse of the facade of values, protection, conservatism and fiscal responsibility they've constructed.
The numbers of Americans who are stupid enough or totally blinded by the right wing propaganda koolaid keep dropping.
It's almost funny to watch these low-life, no class ads-- some deep voiced old man comes on in the background, along with ominous music, and then the no-solution, unable to change Republican leaders churn out the same out lame, extremely tired talking points on Democrats and taxes, Democrats and cut and run, Democrats weak on terror.
But now, people know. It's almost like the Republicans don't realize that when they run these ads, they are showing how out of touch they are. They are showing that they think these dumb ads will reach the dumb people they think are still ignorant about what is really going on. But things have changed. A lot of the people the Republicans duped in past elections have wised up.
When they see these ads, they know. They know that the Republicans are not offering solutions, not offering new ideas-- they are just, on a frighteningly automatic level, saying the same thing they've been saying for years. Only now, it is clear that they are not true and they don't work.
Some of the RNC people get it, that the old lies and slogans aren't working. So they are digging lower. How low can they go? They are digging to find out-- and discovering they can and WILL go even lower than they thought possible. It's the trickle down principle-- scum will trickle down to the lowest depths.
Take for example, the PA 8th district race. New polling shows iraq veteran Patrick Murphy, the Democratic candidate pulling ahead of his opponent, Mike Fitzpatrick. A nasty, but sloppy swiftboat attack on Murphy, orchestrated by Fitzpatrick at a press conference, then sloppily denied by him, failed miserably, and may even have helped Murphy, since it was shortly afterwards that the polls turned in his favor.
Now the RNC is running an outright lying ad saying Murphy was never the prosecutor he claimed to be. The idiots did a freedom of information request through the justice department-- remember, that department run by partisan war criminal Alberto Gonzalez-- and Gonzalez's department reported that they had no record of Murphy being a prosecutor. Funny. The records are there. So Fitzpatrick allows, without complaint, the RNC to run lying sleaze ads.
To their credit, even the right leaning local papers have been getting this stuff right. Not surprisingly, Fitzpatrick, who was picked, without a real primary battle by the local Republican old codger, is now in the first real political fight of his life. He looks depressed, haggard, anxious and run down. And in a few weeks... he'll look run OVER... like a lot of other Republicans nation-wide, who failed their constituents and the nation.
The RNC,their talking head surrogates and their local attack ads have another pattern. They mislead with statistics. They start off, "On average" and then they suggest that they average family will face tax increases, on average of $2000 plus if the Dems roll back the tax breaks the Republicans put into place.
The real truth is that most people WILL NOT be affected by tax rollbacks. The rollbacks will cost millionaires hundreds of thousands of dollars and billionaires will be millions more in taxes, but people making under $200,000 a year will not pay any increases.
So, while it is statistically true, it's really another Republican lie, among many.
The RNC's ultra sleazy, out of touch, mindless repetition ad onslaught is just another example of why the Republicans DESERVE to be fired from their jobs by the people.
Then there's the sleazy attack ad against Harold Ford, in Tennessee. It shows a slut claiming she met Ford at a playboy club, and that Ford took money from pornographers.
Then there's the Right's expert at finding the lowest class sleaziest slime, Rush Limbaugh-- who helps Jim Talent fight Michael J. Fox's ad supporting stem cell research... NOT!!
In New Jersey, the right wingers use incredibly stupid stereotypes of mafioso types... offending the large Italian American voter base in NJ, helping Democrat, Bob Menendez.
Even Joe Scarborough of MSNBC says if a campaign manager brought him an ad like the one attacking Menendez, he wouldn't be working for him.
I don't have proof that these ads are actually hurting the Repubican cause, but I do believe this to be true-- that the majority of Americans who are fed up with the war are no longer buying what the right wing has to sell-- not WMDs, not greater safety with Republicans, not the tax lie, not even the liberal Pelosi theme.