I'm sorry. I don't feel gushy. I see a doddering disease vector who has personally produced the most despised, hated reviled, so-called human in the history of the planet.
I see a crooked past president who Bill Clinton failed to pursue charges against (Iran Contra), who, because of Clinton's failure to prosecute, was able to help his lying, cheating, chronic failure son go on to become president.
I see the son of a man who was involved in doing business with the Nazis.
No nostalgia.
Not touchy feely, weepy warm fuzzy stuff.
I wonder if he, unable to control himself, for a longer time than one would expect, is starting to slide mental-health-wise.
I wouldn't wish that on anyone. But we know how fried Reagan was by the time he left the White House. Perhaps he also weeps because he has an idiot, shallow, empty-hearted son who has treated him like dirt.
DIRT. When you have the experience, competence and credentials that George Herbert Walker Bush has, and your son is the President of the USA and ignores you, it has to hurt-- a lot. It has to ache with a deep pain that, probably, year after year, gets heavier and worse.
So when George Herbert Walker Bush, the elder, was speaking about his younger son, the Governor, who surely would have done a better job as president, and who probably does a better job as a son, staying in touch more frequently than the ever two weeks or so that Dubya admits to, it is no wonder that he broke down in tears, probably bittersweet tears.
BITTERSWEET-- sweet, because he probably is proud of his son Jeb, and bitter because he faces the sweetness of his relationship with Jeb, clearly a healthier, smarter, better person than Dubya, which must make the bitter, sour empty relationship with Dubya stand out all the more.
We citizens of the US don't have the sweet part. We just get the bitter part. Dubya's relationship with his father is a metaphor for his relationship with America and the world. He is out of touch, disconnected, arrogant, unwilling to tap the wisdom and intelligence readily available...
And we too weep-- for America, for the thousands of dead soldiers, the tens of thousands of physically maimed soldiers the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and their families who will live lives damaged by post traumatic stress disorder, the millions of Iraqis who have to deal with the deaths of hundreds of thousands of murdered Iraqis, the thousands of freedom fighters, the people who stand up for democracy who are already being tortured, with new justifications that the dictators have the right, "after all Bush does it."
I pray your tears end soon, Mr. Bush. We're doing all we can to end your frustration at not being consulted by the current president. Soon, your pain should be over. The sooner the better.