We've reached a point where we have to draw a line. DOes your legislator continue to support Bush? Does your legislator continue to equivocate on his or her ability to challenge and block Bush from furthering his war? Is your legislator doing all he or she can do to stop Bush from creating any further laws or policies?
Bush must be stopped "dead in the water" (this is a metaphor, not suggesting hurting Bush, who is already brain dead) unable to do any more damage to America or the planet.
Any republican candidate who continues to support Bush, like McCain, is virtually disqualifying himself form being a viable candidate.
The only acceptable legislation our legislators should be putting forward is legislation that is BINDING upon the president, that stops Bush from escalating the war by bringing in more troops, that forbids Bush from starting any new wars with new targets, like Iran or Syria. Congress should not be passing meaningless "sense of congress' window dressing legislation. This is a transparent, impotent, worthless gesture. It is an insult to the voters who sent their message to congress in the November elections. The only legislation that is acceptable is legislation with teeth, that binds Bush to obey or face serious consequences.
Rectal King Midas
Now,after having failed utterly in international relations and war planning, with the help of the useless Condi Rice, Bush is turning his destructive, vast powers of incompetence upon domestic issues. We know from experience, that whatever he touches will turn to the opposite of gold, making Bush a kind of rectal King Midas.
It is not enough and no longer acceptable to call Bush names, or to label his policy bad. Legislators who only give voice to this Bush criticism are enablers trying to hide weakness behind weak words.
Now is the time that all Americans, Democratic and Republican, must regardless of affiliation, take strong action and pass binding legislation to stop Bush. Forget about these sense of congress gestures. The Dems can and should initiate this. Some will not get behind it. We need to know who they are. Some Republicans may support this, probably just a handful, to start. We want to know who they are. These Democrats and Republicans will show their courage, wisdom and patriotism. They will then have to convince the rest of their fellow legislators to make up their minds that this is a necessary step to save America in so many ways.
The legislators who fail to "go the distance" and support REAL legislation that is binding, will deserve the fate the will almost surely encounter when the voters refuse to re-elect them. We need to do this right away, which means stopping with this current bogus sense of congress legislation and moving immediately to proposing and passing the real deal-- legislation that either stops Bush or forces a constitutional confrontation, to be decided by the Supreme court. We'll also see where the loyalties of these justices Bush has appointed really lay-- with the USA or with the man (Yuk! It doesn't feel right to sully the word 'man' by using it to describe Bush, but I'm trying not to use foul language) who hired them.
So tell your legislators. Use the action page link below.