Upset that the Democratic House Speaker might have a bigger Pelosi Jet then Denny Hastert had, house Republicans went ballistic, with the help of pentagon wonks who gave her a hard time, even though she is the leader of the org that determines Pentagon funding. And Pelosi didn't even ask for the jet. Huh??
Maybe they were trying to deflect media attention from their efforts to block discussion of Bush's war surge.
Maybe they just wanted to get nasty and b*tch slap Nancy Pelosi, whose positive rating has continually risen since she became house speaker-- two thirds higher than Bush's rating.
So they started taking turns taking verbal punches at the first Lady Speaker of the House. They derided her and accused her of grandiosity and excess.
Working both ends, or, one might say, flip-flopping, The Whitehouse issued a statement defending her, while at the same time, the RNC, which is led by George Bush, issued a "hit piece."
This morning, a miracle happened. On CNN, they actually made it clear that it was not Pelosi who asked for the jet. It was the Senate Sargeant at Arms.
We're talking about rotten eggs on the face-- a lot of them.
There's a solution. Right wingers in congress must clean the eggs off their faces so they can see reality, then stop rubberstamping Bush and get the US out of the Iraq disaster. They must face, egg free, the reality that there will be no victory in Iraq. The best we can hope for is minimalization of further disaster.