Monica Goodling could be the straw that breaks the camel's back for the Bush/Cheney whitehouse. But instead of giving Bush a blowjob, she spread her legs, integrity-wise, and screwed American justice. She helped set up, plan and coordinate the firing of at least eight US attorneys who were engaged in investigations of Republican corruption.
Now, as far as we know, there was no sex-- no penile or vaginal or other orifice antics. The screwing was metaphorical, involving American justice and the integrity of the separation of the three branches of government.
The Republicans brought about impeachment hearings against Clinton because he lied about a blowjob from his Monica.
I've been saying, all along, that for Bush to be removed from the Whitehouse, it will take a group of Republican senators, at least a dozen, taking "THE WALK" to the Whitehouse, informing Dubya that he's toast, that they're ready to vote with the Democrats for impeachment, to save any hope for survival for the Republican party.
It has begun.
Newt Gingrich, former House Speaker and still one of the top dogs in the GOP, told Fox News it is time for not just a new attorney general, but a whole sweep, across the board.
"I think the country, in fact, would be much better served to have a new team at the Justice Department, across the board," Gingrich said, also, commenting on Gonzales, that he "cannot imagine how he is going to be effective for the rest of this administration."
Gingrich one of the think point men for the GOP. He's initiated a pattern, a response that will be copied by other senators.
I would guess that within a week or two of the Senate's return to work, one of two things will happen.
-Gonzales will resign-- he'll resign in an attempt to shut down the investigations and to take the pressure off of Goodling, with the hopes she won't be forced to testify, even with immunity. He may even resign in exchange for the investigations shutting down. I don't think Leahy or Conyers will buy it.
-Goodling will be rushed to testimony. If they're smart, Leahy and Conyers will get her under oath. She's not the target. They should offer her some kind of immunity for her testimony, but only if she goes all the way, and tells the whole story, including all the details of how they handled emails, who the messengers were, etc.
Of course, there are more potential witnesses-- more executive assistants, lower level people who were in on some of the conversations. Maybe Leahy and Conyers should start putting people in jail if they don't testify, for contempt of congress. That might be a good way, starting with MOnica Goodling, to loosen some tongues.
Nancy Pelosi and the congressional democrats said impeachment was off the table. But that was based on what they knew, what they had at the time. Now, it's a whole new ballgame. Many of us had hoped that congressional hearings and investigations would bear new fruit that could be used to generate new, stronger, more solid evidence and reasons to impeach. It's happening.
We had hopes that new whistleblowers would make themselves known and testify. This was pretty much an essential development. It has happened. Ironically, the eight attorneys who were fired and defamed have become the most convincing whistleblowers. More will be coming. But they'll come faster if they see they are risk if they don't come forward. There's the possibility that efforts to flush out whistleblowers might scare them deeper into hiding. But This case is exploding. These are smart people They can see the writing on the wall, and it spells a future where the involved parties are going to be outed.
The above image was cropped from an image at Regent University, where Goodling was a student. It would be interesting to research the names of the other students listed in the captions of the images on the Regent University site to see how many are currently employed by the Bush administration. There are claims that over 150 are.