I hate to say it, but I'm thinking about blondes this morning-- Anne Coulter and Paris Hilton What else can I think of if I have CNN or MSNBC on? Oh, that's right, a new missing child, courtesy of MSNBC, as I write this line... and a newer faux news obsession-- forest fires, for the pyromanic media lovers.
But let's get back to Anne Coulter, for starters. We've published several articles by liberals since her latest "Edwards moment," criticizing Ms. Coulter.
- Paris Hilton shows more class and beauty than Ann Coulter could ever dream of
- Matthews and Coulter: No Shame
- "I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING": Satan Concedes Coulter Was A Major Fuckup
- Watch Ann Coulter Squirm
- Why John Edwards Did Not Make "The Call"
- Chris Matthews Refuses to Tame the Shrew
In the past, I've written about her:
Anne Coulter's Advice to College Students: "Start a Joe McCarthy Club"
Well, make that one article, and then some blogs. I intentionally don't like to give her too much oxygen, media-exposure-wise. That just feeds into her marketing strategy. Sigh. But I'm doing it here.
After thinking about it, I'm okay with Anne coulter's trash talk. Why? because I must plead mea culpa. I do it too.
Tough political talk should be, must be allowed. That said, I have a hard time not using animal and anatomy terms to describe Coulter-- terms women don't like. But Edwards has every right to complain about the toxic stuff COulter spews... and to exploit it to raise campaign funds. That's the funny part. Then there's the whole self-righteousness thing, which is usually the domain of the far right-- shame, how dare you?, etc.. Here's a Democratic taking strategy from the right wing play book. Good on Elizabeth.
But just because tough political talk should and must be allowed doesn't mean that the main stream media have to cover it. There a handful of rightwing people currently in power, not all elected, some appointed, who I would not mourn if they dropped dead. But I don't say it, or wouldn't say their names on national TV. Well, I don't think I would.
Actually, with a bit of encouragement, I might. But then there's that annoying Patriot Act, where they can take you away for months, with no recourse. Coulter figured out how to do it. She cited and copied Bill Maher.
On Joe Scarborough's show, Coulter was really whiny and cranky, complaining.. If she can't take the heat, she should shut the eff up. But she won't because this is the way she sells book. She makes outrageous statements that give her millions in free media coverage.
There are times I have an impulse to write a book like Coulter's, eviscerating and excoriating the right. I could do it with articles I've already written-- a lot of them.
- Choosing: Courage or Fear, Heroes or Traitors
- God To Dead Jerry Falwell; Go to Hell... Now!!
- Cuckolded by Bush
- Traitors and Heroes/Traitors as Heroes
- I See Stupid White Men. What Makes Them That Way?
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Right Wing Little Dick Syndrome
- Dick Cheney-- the Chronic Iraq Priapist
- Was VA Tech's Cho a Right Winger?
- Bush's Monica- No Blowjob-- Just Screwing
- New Right Wing Slime Machine Approach: Fire-The-TruthTellers
- White House and Pentagon Cowards Betray Real War Heroes, Again, Failing to Support the Troops
- Bush is Anna Nicole
- How Bush Screws America
- Is Ken Lay Dead? And if so, Was it Really a Heart Attack?
- Trusting in Blind Stupidity
- The American Trance
- Black November; A Terrible Day in American History, or an American Terrorist Group?
- OpEdNews Editor Warned by Capitol Police For Article
- Pimping Suicide, Pimping Jesus
- Bush-Induced Right Wing Mental Dysfunction;
- John Yoo; Enemy of Democracy
- There Really Is a Culture of Republican Corruption.
- The Wimp Factor; Defining the Real Wimps
- Who Are the Enemies of Democracy?
- Redneckville
- The Republican Habit-- like Heroin, it's hard to break, but deadly and Destructive
- Some people aren't born stupid. They watch Fox and listen to right wing talk radio, and depend on their Ministers and …
- What makes a hero?
- Right Wing Cowards Who Cut and Run
- Desperate Bush Attack Dogs Accentuate the Right’s Descent
- Bush-Supporting Evangelicals; Abuse Victims?
- Right Wing Cowards Killing Americans, Destroying Families
- The Bush Cult and the Koolaid.
- Right Wingers See Themselves as Pariahs
- A Note to You Bush-Supporting Suckers, You've Been Screwed
- God to Bush and Right Wing “Religious” Extremists
- The RightWing Cesspool Overflows. A Pattern Begins to Emerge: The Dark Innards of The Political & Religous Right
- Is Selling Out America Standard Republican Policy?
- Waking Up to The Military/ Corporate Religous Right's Attack on Teen Boys
- Sorry, Stupid White Men, Bush Is Not Viagra
- Bush the Pimp, and his Whores.
- Bush the Pimp, and his Whores.
- How Dumb Can A President Get?
- Toxic Evangelization; The Christian Disease that Has Killed Millions and Destroyed Hundreds of Cultures
- Christianist Ayatollahs Bring America To Shame
- A Note to You Bush-Supporting Suckers, You've Been Screwed
- God to Bush and Right Wing “Religious” Extremists
- The RightWing Cesspool Overflows. A Pattern Begins to Emerge: The Dark Innards of The Political & Religous Right
- Is Selling Out America Standard Republican Policy?
- Waking Up to The Military/ Corporate Religous Right's Attack on Teen Boys
- Scumbaglia and the Idiot Cult Members Poisoning America's Future
- Rescuing the USA;
- Bush Rats Jumping Ship,to Be Replaced By Even Worse, Ebola-Toxic Next Generation Republicanazis
- Murdering Democracy
- AntiChrist George Bush and His Bishops from Hell
- How Can Right Wingers Destroy the US Economy? Let Me Count the Ways.
- How many Neocons does it take to replace Blondes, rednecks or ethnics in a joke, to screw in a lightbulb, or screw up a country?
- Where The Scum Settles When It Leaves BushLand; Apply the Three I's
- BirdBrain Watching; Echoes in Empty (ditto)Heads;
- Bush and the Neocon Termites are, As Planned, Destroying the US Government from Inside and Out.
- Right Wing Traitors and Saboteurs
- America For Sale (published the first week of OpEdNews.com’s existence)
Last year, I reviewed the list that existed then, actually thinking about putting together a collection of my articles, into a book, and I was a bit shocked at my productivity in churning out this kind of Coulteresque stuff. So I wrote this article Being a Positive AND Tough Progressive and I literally spoke to my minister about loving my enemies, even Hitler, after he gave a sermon on that topic. Since that epiphany, I’ve written less of this stuff.
That said, I still do the ocassional angry, tough, even meanspirited piece, perhaps my latest being my obituary cursing Jerry Falwell, for which I took some, but not very much flack, and lost a few readers (with 90% of the email supportive and in agreement.)
More recently, I've resisted going to that Coulter trash talk place as much as I had, partly because the remaining supporters of the right wing are dwindling, so I've had less inclination to do the sociopsychological analysis of stupid white men, rednecks, abused fundamentalists, etc. that I have done in the past. (I reserve the right and pleasure of doing more.) Actually, reviewing the articles again,there's a bit of pleasure in calling a koolaid drinking, nay, injecting right wing idiot... whatever fits. And actually, there is a need for more people to deflate the self righteous right wingers' self image of being Right, God-Chosen, heroic, patriotic and all the other crap they believe. Actually, if a publisher came along with a good offer, or a radio station with a talk program... I'd seriously consider it.
Then, there's Paris, who told Larry King she's never used drugs, outside of her ADD drug, Adderal. Not even marijuana? As a commentator said after the King interview, even presidential candidates admit to using pot. And after reading the bible for hours, she has no message or phrase she remembers. Well, at least she hefted it. (Note: You can view every article as one long page if you sign up as an Advocate Member, or higher).