It's said Cheney's personality changed when he had his last pacemaker implant in 2001-- that it affected his brain.
Is Cheney being re-wired with some new chips?
Today's Wall Street Journal reports, in an article by Jonathan Karl,
Not long ago, a prominent foreign-policy expert in Washington who has also known Dick Cheney for years told me -- seriously -- that he thought the change could be chemical, that, somehow, when Mr. Cheney had his pacemaker installed in June 2001, it triggered a reaction that affected his brain and drained him of his common sense.
Karl mentions this somewhat tongue in cheek. But today, Cheney is going in for a new pacemaker, reportedly, because the battery is due for replacement in the old one. So, in keeping with Karl's tongue-in-cheek observance, I'm wondering-- is it really a pacemaker they're replacing? If his 2001 pacemaker installation changed his personality, maybe, what they're really installing is a remote-control device. Maybe, Cheney, the real power inside the Bush administration, the Darth Vader of war, death and total urination on the constitution-- I mean ruination-- has had some sort of modification of his wiring so the corporations that benefit from his truculent, friend shooting changes in persona.
Let's not forget that Bush, when engaging in the 2004 presidential debates, wore a wire so someone, probably Karl ROve, could coach him while debating. Remember that lump on Bush's back.
Of course, things may not go right with this surgery. Cheney is getting closer and closer, not that the lamestream media would ever report on it, to being impeached, as week after week, more and more members of congress have signed onto the Kucinich bill to impeach Cheney.
Problems with the pacemaker or the surgery could be handily used as an excuse for Cheney to resign, thus evading impeachment or hearings.
Is Cheney really just getting an upgrade and battery replacement? Probably, but you never know. We do know that many heart surgery patients experience significant cognitive changes after surgery. This is well known and fairly common. Could all the work on Cheney's heart have turned him into the heartless Darth Vader characterization he's earned? It's possible. Who knows? History may even use it as THE excuse for his despicable record. Then again, Bush just had half a dozen polyps removed from his rectal area. Maybe he'll use them as an excuse for being the worst president and biggest elected a**hole in US history.