A day after Bushie pontificated on the NIE, some thoughts trickle down.
There's been talk that the way the Iran war would be prevented would be that the military leaders would refuse the orders to start the war-- that they would cirtually mutiny. Well, we forgot about the intelligence community. I believe it would be accurate to say that the NIE was produced in direct opposition and disobedience to the orders that Cheney and Bush's surrogates. There are some heroes behind that NIE who one day should be awarded congressional medals of honor for bravery in the face of traitors who would have lied and deceived the public and congress to start a war-- Bush and Cheney.
No-one-- absolutely no-one believes that Bush just got wind of this a week earlier. This time around, his lies are so baldfaced, so... insulting... not one person in the media indicated this was worthy of belief. Sy Hersch says nine days before the release Bush briefed Israel's Ehud Olmert on it.
We saw a few Whitehouse journalists, male and female, discover they had journalistic testicles yesterday. Let's hope their courage primes the pump. Kudos to all of them who asked Bush some challenging questions. There's still plenty of room for improvement, but it's a start. I've been telling my kids and students, for decades-- "There are many things that you can do that you haven't done yet. Try."
After this collection of events and developments it is clearer than ever that Bush and Cheney must be impeached. Their disregard for intelligence, for reality, for facts, their willingness to lie and deceive, make them dangerous, immediate threats to the safety and continued survival of not just the US but the planet. With more than a year remaining on their terms of office, the damage they can still wreak is unimaginable.
Once impeachment hearings are started, subpoenas cannot be refused based on presidential privlege. That doesn't apply to impeachment hearings. The poor excuse given by the dem congress that it will take up too much time is a lie-- A LIE! The truth is that impeachment hearings will take up too much ATTENTION, away from... what?
Maybe, back in November, when Harry and Chuck, Nancy and Stenny planned the next year, they decided they would get wonderful things accomplished. Well, eleven months later, Harry's list of accomplishments is pretty lame, and the list of failures and un-finished efforts weighs more heavily than achievements. It is time for this invertebrate congress to stand tall.
The excuse that freshmen red-state dems will be put at risk is pure cowardice. Impeachment hearings are absolutely required as part of the oath to defend and protect the constitution. Bush and Cheney engaged in treason and multiple violations of the constitution. Hearings will prove this. Pelosi, if she fails to put impeachment back on the table, after all the evidence that has come out already, if she fails to allow investigations to proceed, will be almost as guilty of treason as BUsh and Cheney-- an accomplice on the inside, protecting the guilty. We expected it of rubberstamp republicans, not the democrats who were elected to power to end the war and clean up the corruption.
I'll say it again. If Nancy Pelosi continues to personally block impeachment from proceeding to the step of holding hearings, SHE will go down in history as a accessory to the crimes Bush and Cheney commit and allow to occur on their (Bush, Cheney and Pelosi's ) watch.