Presidents day-- what a tragic shadow our current White House executive has cast upon the idea of the presidency. I've said it before. It cannot be said often enough. George W. Bush is not only the worst president in US history, he is the most hated, despised person in human history. (There were several billion less people on the planet when Hitler lived. )
The world must surely be praying, hoping and waiting with bated breath to see the outcome of the 2008 presidential race. Will right wing forces of extremism and toxic religious madness continue to drag the US down, lower and lower?
Will the elected leaders of the US continue to fail to represent the will of their consituents?
On the other hand, America has had its share of fools, failures and sell-outs for president. Maybe we should celebrate presidents day as a day to be extra careful watching your back, making sure you have the right to vote, making sure you are not being ripped off while you're distracted with something else going on.
Oh, sure, we've had good guys like Washington and Jefferson. But we've also had some very bad leaders, most recently the Bush family, Reagan and the guy who signed us up with NAFTA and the WTO.
Yep. I think the thing to do is to end presidents day as a school holiday. It should be a day when kids are taught a civics lesson in all the ways president have screwed up and screwed the USA. Oh, they could also study Jimmy Carter-- an example of how to leave the presidency and do an even better job with the balance of one's life.
That would be a better reflection of the history of the presidents. Less Glory, more reality.