According to some, Rudy Giuliani scored points for showing up at the Saturday session of the Values Voter Summit sponsored by ultra-conservative religious right wing groups.
Credit for showing up to court this group of extremists was about the only thing Giuliani got out of his efforts to concoct a 40 minute speech asking them to show some forgiveness, open-mindedness and open-heartedness toward him.
"I come to you today as I would if I were your president, with an open mind and an open heart," Giuliani said. "And all I ask is that you do the same," Guiliani said.
Members of these extremist Christian groups, who are hell-bent on seeing the country become a political theocracy didn't heed Guiliani's plea for Christian forgiveness, a main tenet of their beliefs as they gave him a solid thumbs down.
If given the power to rule, the religious right would control every facet of our lives in a way that would put the strict interpretation of the Koran by the Taliban and al-Quada to shame.
Given free reign, we could not only kiss what's left of the Constitution good-bye, but re-instituting the "honored" old practice of witch burning and Spanish Inquisition tactics would be sure to follow.
As part of his oral exam, Guiliani said, "My belief in God and reliance on his guidance is at the core of who I am, I can assure you of that.
"But isn't it better for me to tell you what I believe rather than change my positions to fit the prevailing wind?," he added.
Apparently not, in a straw vote conducted at the conference and online, Guiliani came in eighth out of a field of nine. Mitt Romney led the pack with 1,595 votes, while Mike Huckabee placed with 1,565 votes.
Guiliani saying that his belief in God and his reliance on his guidance is at the core of who he is, just doesn't make the grade, and makes him sound as crazy as George Bush who unabashedly tells us God speaks to him.
For Guiliani to say he doesn't blow with the prevailing winds, is code for he doesn't give a rat's ass for what the voters or a majority of Americans think; it's his way or go screw yourselves.
Clear thinking Republicans as well as Democrats should want a president who doesn't make decisions on advice from an ethereal being, but whom with a clear head gathers all the facts, talks with wise advisors, and then makes rational, logical decisions.
Our lives depend on the decisions made by our presidents. To pander [play kissie tush] to one group, while seemingly ignoring the vast center is foolhardy; it doesn't matter which party does it.
It's also something we've lived with for almost seven years, and we all know how well that's gone.
If Republicans were smart, they'd consider any candidate who showed up at that conference as having failed to pass the job interview.