Johnny McFearMonger McCain must have oodles of pharma stock.
His declaration of "I'm da man!" (well, maybe depending on how the NYT story flies) after his wins Tuesday night says it all.
Stock prices for all the antidepressant pill dispensers, must be soaring, because all we get from Mr. Bush-lite is the same-old, same-old if we don't vote for him the country will immediately be overrun by terrorists.
We've been threatened by that so many time, yet thankfully, it still hasn't happened. If we are attacked again, it will be because McC and his buddy Bush didn't close the open doors at the borders.
Every time he opens his downer yap, he's sending us running to the upper bottle or flask of booze. We're practically there, but if he keeps this up, we will be a nation of full-blown tranquilizer junkies and alcoholics.
Talk about having nothing substantive to say.
McCain relies on his vapid accusation that Barack Obama is deceiving us with his "eloquent but empty call for change."
If McC can't say something to scare the crap out of us, he ain't got nuthin' to talk about.
While McCain has never touted himself as a model of marital sexual moralism, he's a member of the party that does tout it. I remind you that he, too, has been divorced and remarried very shortly after his divorce.
We shouldn't give a rat's ass or care who McCain has schtupped. How many times he did her. When he did it. Were he did it, even if it were under his senatorial desk or in a closet.
We should care that he was deeply involved with the Keating Five, even if he escaped seemingly clean.
We should care that he was hip-to-hip with a lobbyist -- and a very attractive one at that.
We should hope that there are dozens of whistle blowers to fan some fresh air on what McCain has really been up to during his years in the Senate.
We should care how many favors he did for the lobbyist and her employers, and how much money they contributed him.
We should care that the Straight Talk Express has always had flatten tires on its right side, and has always been on the bias.
We should care that he's a flip-flopper who changes his mind with the wafting political winds.
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