Somebody has to say it. George Bush is our first Hispanic President.
Except for those commie-phobic, Republican conspiracists who say JFK stole his election, the only places I've ever heard of elections being stolen were south of the Rio Grande. Until George Bush. And he's stolen two! Obviously, the Dept. of Justice found it politically expedient NOT to investigate. Viva Machina de Voto!
South of our southernmost border, rich people don't pay much in the way of taxes. The people in the government responsible for collecting taxes are their friends. They couldn't have been elected if it weren't for the rich people. Under George Bush, taxes for the wealthiest Americans have been rolled back. Rather than allowing government functions to die for lack of money, though many programs like education have suffered from lack of funds, the Republican-controlled Congress took out loans to the tune of $2 trillion, loans which our great-grandchildren will be paying off. They might have been able to balance the budget by repealing those tax cuts but it's those wealthy donors who made it possible for them to get into Congress in the first place. Viva Los Donors!
Since Bush has been president, immigrants have been sneaking into our country and finding jobs at levels unseen in our country. Now, with a little help from the liberals in the Senate, Presidential contender John McCain from Arizona and Trent Lott from Mississippi, where the high school drop-out rate is 38% and whose people certainly don't need anymore competition for low wage jobs, these illegal workers might be given amnesty to stay in our country. Viva El Presidente!
In contrast with many South American countries, in other democracies when a president breaks the law with impunity and threatens national security with their rash deeds, there is a legislative body that holds them accountable or removes them from office. Viva Los Paid-For Congressionales!
I know it's politically incorrect. But somebody had to say it. I really don't mean to offend any Hispanics. Unless, of course, you're part of a corrupt government. Alberto Gonzales included.