Then, we may be diving off into some form of sanity such as DEMOCRACY NOW with Ms Amy. But most of us generally start in the usual channels.
It follows; then, that when we hear 2400 for the latest count of Americans KII (killed in Iraq) we are getting numbers released by the Bush Regime rather than any thing closely resembling the truth. EVERY FORM of media coming from "in bed with" media in Iraq or Afghanistan goes through a US Army censor before released, video as well. Same goes for the numbers of Iraqi and Afghani dead.
How many times have we heard of some important Al Qaeda "lieutenants" or other high ranking officials being killed by air attacks, or even ground attacks? How damned many of these sonsofbitches are there? Do they get these names from the phone book or what? From the hot seat in an FA-18 there isn't a snowball's chance in hell of knowing WHO they killed. One must ask, therefore, how many Iraqi's are enjoying their 70 or so virgins for being randomly selected for an American news clip?
How many American aircraft have REALLY been destroyed, and what category does each aircraft destroyed REALLY fall into; shot down? Bad landing, pilot error, piss poor maintenance? What?
How many American deaths have been attributed to some form of incident connected with Humvees?
I don't know what brought me to this question, and why it took so long. The Bush regime are the most alacritous liars in human history, albeit piss poor liars. What, then, CAN we believe? For myself, I generally read at Al Jazeera, or something from Abu Dhabi, or some of the British news papers, or Agence France.
None the less, as careful as I believe I am, I've found many quotes throughout the Alternative news sites that are direct quotes from the Corporate Press, and the White House of all places.
If the Bush Regime is a big unflushed toilet, as we all know it is, then it is full of CRAP. Unless we make certain to disbelieve anything from the corporate fascist government, we will be building cases against the Regime on things we don't know to be true. Further, and perhaps of more concern, how much do we REALLY know about what is actually taking place in Iraq.
How many deaths have gone unrecorded? How many Iraqi deaths have slipped away in the same fashion? What chemicals have REALLY been used in addition to the ones they admit to?
Given the established propensity for these wads to lie out of their degenerate asses, perhaps we all should reconnoiter our news sites to be certain we get as much reality rather than horse hockey, and become quiescent about what we believe we know. Further, could our alternative sites be infiltrated? I don't believe I'd bet my last dollar that it ain't so!