from which the Bushboy will not let them walk out.
And, I think of us in a prison cell too.
A prison cell of repression built by an invisible wall of lies
where truth does not have a stand and oxygen is snuffed out.
How does one fight a liar? Or, how does one fight the wall of repression built by a liar's chain of lies? How does one fight the evil wrought upon a nation by so many willful lies? How does one regain the oxygen that is snuffed out by the lying craft of the Bushes all?
Perhaps one begins by acknowledging to oneself that one has been had, that the country has been betrayed by the Bush men lusting after wealth power and name recognition.
(It was Jeb Bush who in 1986 told Al Martin, "The truth is useless. You have to understand this right now. You can't deposit the truth in a bank. You can't pay rent with the truth. You can't buy groceries with the truth. The truth is a useless commodity that will hang around your neck like an albatross-all the way to the homeless shelter. And if you think that the million or so people in this country that are really interested in the truth about their government can support people who would tell them the truth, you got another thing coming. Because the million or so people in this country that are truly interested in the truth don't have money.")
Perhaps, then, these corporate men and women are people who fear earning one penny less than what the corporations, wholly committed to maintaining their evil, greedy alliance with the Bushes, gives them; truth telling, they fear, might bring them one step downwards in the illusory world of survival of the fittest that the Bushes offer them. Perhaps these corporate men and women are afraid to stand on their own because they have never had to, or because the only way they can conceive of standing on two legs is in the corporate world; perhaps they are people who thought, or were taught to think that making it in the corporate world was the only way to make it in this world.
Where does one begin to fight a Liar and his Lies? Does one begin by acknowledging that the Bushes are skilled connivers who repulse truth and who live in fear of it because they, the Bushes, know that truth takes them nowhere, buys them nothing and seals their lot, not in the halls of greatness to which they arrogantly think they are entitled, but it hurls them into the lot of ordinary men and women without power and finite financial might and wealth? Even worse, the Bushes know that truth casts them right into a lot all of their own, that of liars and evil people-something that their own evilness prevents them from admitting.
Perhaps one begins by stopping the noise made by saber rattlers and other Bush joiners like Bill Bennett, Chris Matthews, Andrea Mitchell, Tony Snow, Terry Jeffries, Jerry Falwell, Peter King and so many others-pitchers of lies, drivers of an emotional rollercoaster into which they want to pack an entire America, smooth operators all, in the Bush ride to hell and doomsday.
Can, then, a small ounce of integrity with a joint recognition and identification of the lies, plus the courage to stand up to them, the lies and the Bushes, begin a powerful movement against the entrapment of the Bushes? Can a refusal to go along for the ride on the mangled wreck of twisted and convoluted emotional lies constantly thrown out by the Bushes, the corporate owned media, and the rest of the Bush smooth operators bring about a halt to the constant parade of lies and self-serving platitudes mouthed by such arrogant betrayal to our country?
It might. Just as it might be considered revolutionary and helpful to have any of the Bush smooth operators publicly acknowledge that we have been lied to.
A sustained refusal to continue mouthing Bush platitudes could be considered a first front opening against the Bush evil lies; it may begin to reveal to the masses the depth to which our country, and we ourselves, have been betrayed. It might show us that there are adults in this country who are willing to take responsibility for stopping the spin and the spiral into which the Bushes have thrown us.
Perhaps one way to begin to unravel all of the smooth talk by these smooth operators is to tell them, straight and square right after they have finished mouthing off their platitudes, "You really believe all this stuff that you have just fed me, don't you?". Most would have to wince. Some might become defensive and reply, like Chris Matthews often does, "I am the one asking the questions here". Some might even bow their heads in shame-surprised at their own reactions to the comment/question of a guess who is refusing to buy their propaganda.
Perhaps letting all the lies and platitudes, all the smooth words and manipulations lie inert in that emotional rollercoaster into which the Bushes and their smooth operators constantly want us to jump, might, it just might, be a way to pull the brake on the Bushes hold of our nation and begin to give us the backbone and structure that we need to fight off the Bush Cabal.