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For the First Time, the USA is On the Precipice of Failure

By Ticked Off Ted Bohne  Posted by Rob Kall (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 2 pages)   No comments
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Rob Kall
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There are times when I'm certain that the American people, or most of them anyway are invulnerable to things like oh, let's say reality, truth, and reason. They don't seem to realize that for the first time in this country's history, the USA is clearly on the precipice of failure. It is clearly failing economically, socially, morally, ethically, and any other way that human beings, especially those in other countries, define a nation.

This administration is known world wide as being unelected. Further, the last three elections were stolen. The data's all there. There's no need for the billions of tons of verbiage being thrown around daily. It's all out there, and in most cases has been out there for years. Yet, here we are still tolerating it.

The US economy is sinking like a safe. Exxon Mobile, on the other hand, declared a 9.9 thousand million dollar profit for just one quarter. Not one of the Major oil companies made below three billion in profit last quarter. You have American Corporations siphoning billions out of the treasury for work they've not started in Iraq, but have already been paid. Why, even "Toys r US" charged Iraq 190 grand for future lost sales. Imaginary, but real enough to get the money. Same's true for Pepsi, KFC, Nestle' and others. These companies lost nothing from Iraq, no damage to equipment or merchandise, since none was ever there. So the American bastards forced Iraq, already dealing with Hussein's debt, plus paying the US for wiping out their country, but now, for business these deviant American Companies believe they would have had if the war had not continued.

This is one of many perversions the US has committed in Iraq. It's done the same to other countries though. These sonsofbitches, with the permission, that is, OVERT permission of this Bush group, just ripped a new a**hole in this gasoline "shortage." I've never seen gas prices above two dollars which people are now beginning to wipe sweat from their pasty brows as we are down to 2 dollars fifty cents per gallon instead of 3 dollars fifteen cents, which I myself paid. Even saved the ticket. Now the government has given it's blessing to IMPORTING LABOR to fill jobs once worked by Americans. So now you get to see the very people who will replace you. At a much lower cost however.

The rich OWN AMERICA. They bought and paid for it. All the while, Americans either talked, or on the other side of the fence, supported George. These are the idiots whose ONLY media outlet is Fox News. I sat and talked for an hour or so with one of my clients. I have a small clock fixing thing going. Nice man, served his country in Korea, made a family, raised them, and now has a nice house for he and his wife to spend their remaining years in. I don't think I've heard more odious bilge in my life outside Washington DC. Same's true of my landlord. In fact some forty percent of Americans feel this way. ABSOLUTELY uninformed, still praying to their flags, gods, angels and what ever other nonsense. Still full of ridiculous aphorisms perhaps from 1776. In simple terms (the American way) stupid. Plain pure and simple stupid. Ignorance is one thing, but when the means to resolve the ignorance exist and are ignored, ignorance can no longer be feigned. Then only "stupid" works. They persist in this lie as they lose their jobs, accept changes in promised benefits being crawfished on as we speak, supporting American Enterprise. I swear on my dog's ass!!

This guy I fixed a clock for began questioning me about what I'd do if I owned a business. What would be my mission, and other such nonsense. He was DEFENDING THE BUSH BASTARDS!! He's a life long republican, and whatever they say or do is good for America. He flies his flag on any day he can. Goes to the polls religiously, but just votes for republicans. Doesn't know a damned thing about them, just votes for them. So I thought (dumb idea) I'd give him a few things to think about, not only the Republicans and the Kissmyassocrats, but the system in its entirety.

The last three elections the refucklicans had major corporate heavyweights making promises to deliver votes to republican candidates such as Walden O'Dell of Diebold, Dick Cheney of Halliburton and so on, not to mention the corporate heads of voting machine manufacturers ES&S, Sequoia, Choicepoint, Database Technologies, and the List goes on into infinity. Countless huge contracts to military weaponry companies like Northrop who makes the most useless aircraft in the world, the B-2, which ISN'T radar invisible, can't fly in bad weather, and has to be hangered unlike the venerable B-52 which can go anywhere anytime with the same bomb load, and just as fast.

What about the Corrections Corporation of America? These leeches are taking over federal and state prison systems for profit. One thing that is irrevocably, and inextricably conjoined to the private sector. That would be PROFIT.

Take money black holes like Emergency Medicine. That's your local ED and Ambulance service. This business has ALWAYS been a bottomless pit for money. Used to be, this, like other functions to take care of the citizens of this damned country, was funded by county tax money and federal subsidies. It was just accepted that, in order to provide good care without sacrificing the best physicians, nurses, paramedics, and all the different forms of equipment, taxes, which are still at all time highs, would be needed to pay for these services and necessary tertiary care. See, not everybody can afford an ambulance trip and emergent care. Damned sure can't now with organizations like Bill Frist's HCA. Hell, Frist and his family are damned thieves and should be locked up.

Hospitals are forced to use cheaper equipment, and less of it, charge unholy prices for simple items like cotton balls, aspirin, and anything else that is used to treat the patient. It is this very practice that has led to staggering increases in prices in medical care, and apparently "Dr." Frist has no trouble turning people away who can't afford their ransom.

The fact is YOU CAN'T PRIVATIZE MEDICINE, or anything else you expect quality from.

Now let's look at Military base security. It's also provided by profit grubbing private sector organizations. You have companies that formerly had nothing to do with security "opening up" new companies to exploit this new market. They're no damned good at it, but the feds pay out billions to them. Hell, in my time, I carried an M-16 to stand a post of guard duty. But, I guess where you've sent all your 'soldiers" off to a money making war stealing Iraq's resources, and, the fact that American kids are wising up (finally) and not signing up for military service, and George most certainly isn't going to have a "front door" draft so Little Babs and Jenna are safe, you've got to find some way to guard these bases. Well, George and kind decided the private sector, their people, would be the best bet/

But the private sector's only reason for existence is profit. Quality, concern for the people who buy these goods and services is of no concert to the republican. During my years as a Paramedic, I saw the move from reasonably well paid county medics to small jerkoff companies that were brand new, and there only purpose was to exploit. Overcharging patients, accepting subsidies from local governments, drastically cutting pay and benefits to employees, and the very cheapest equipment they could find. But hell, the damned people of the community let it happen JUST like the rest of us are letting the republican party loot this nation.

Perhaps this administration will collapse under it's own foul weight. I'm certain all the "protesters" and such are hoping for this, all the while doing virtually nothing to make regime change a fact rather than wild assed dream. But how many have died while we sleep?, how many more women children, and anything that moves in Iraq die at the hands of frightened, badly trained American soldiers. How much more "security" will be foisted on us to make yet more "markets" to be exploited by the private sector bastards? DO YOU FEEL SAFER? If you do, find the nearest short pier and go for a long walk. Because every breath you take, like that of republicans, murders some part of the world.

The whole world is afire with terrorists except for the US which is spending billions to "protect" itself. But as long as frightened Americans believe that there's a terrorist around every corner, or in every public bathroom stall, then we've ALL had it. We might just as well bend over and kiss our collective ass goodbye to the damned rich. The own the government now. They've demonstrated how little they care about Cindy lee Sheehan and her brood of chicks. They ABSOLUTELY DO NOT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT ANY OF YOURS, AND THEY ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT STOP. No matter what. The last six years have shown this fact beyond any form of equivocation.

These vermin are in every aspect of society now so it may not even be possible to rid ourselves of them. But they are stripping us of our rights, our money, and certainly any real hope for better days. If violence directed at these people is out, fine. Then let's consider a day or two of National Rest, and allow NOTHING to happen in the way of labor save those things necessary for life. Or perhaps someone with the sophistication could begin to gather signatures DEMANDING the resignation of at least all of the principle players in this nightmare.

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Rob Kall is an award winning journalist, inventor, software architect, connector and visionary. His work and his writing have been featured in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, CNN, ABC, the HuffingtonPost, Success, Discover and other media.

Check out his platform at RobKall.com

He is the author of The Bottom-up Revolution; Mastering the Emerging World of Connectivity

He's given talks and workshops to Fortune 500 execs and national medical and psychological organizations, and pioneered first-of-their-kind conferences in Positive Psychology, Brain Science and Story. He hosts some of the world's smartest, most interesting and powerful people on his Bottom Up Radio Show, and founded and publishes one of the top Google- ranked progressive news and opinion sites, OpEdNews.com

more detailed bio:

Rob Kall has spent his adult life as an awakener and empowerer-- first in the field of biofeedback, inventing products, developing software and a music recording label, MuPsych, within the company he founded in 1978-- Futurehealth, and founding, organizing and running 3 conferences: Winter Brain, on Neurofeedback and consciousness, Optimal Functioning and Positive Psychology (a pioneer in the field of Positive Psychology, first presenting workshops on it in 1985) and Storycon Summit Meeting on the Art Science and Application of Story-- each the first of their kind. Then, when he found the process of raising people's consciousness (more...)

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