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I am a Crowned Anarchist, socialist, feminist, poet, writer and vegetarian. I left America seven years ago because I wasn't going to become a victim of the hidden holocaust (http://hiddenmurder.blogspot.com) Industry was downsizing so society was, too.
I earned four university degrees to become one of the legions of workers that industry finds redundant and American society finds as "useless eaters." Born from a lower tier of society, all I ever did was live in the gutter in America!
On August 29, 1999 at 11:20 CST, my husband smothered me with a pillow. He was angry with me because I couldn't get a job when all the newscasts from the Twin Cities kept pronouncing "stories" that there were more jobs than employees to fill them. I and my educated friends couldn't find those jobs. Years later, it turned out to be propaganda to shred social safety nets, force wages down and hide the other dark sides of the "free market."
When I was smothered, I had an "out of body" Spiritual Journey that lasted a long time and it changed me forever.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 1, 2008 What Part of !!!NO!!! Doesn't Bush, Paulson and Wal-Street Understand?
Bush said today that he's still trying to get a "rescue" plan for wal-street (spelling intended). What part of !!!NO!!! doesn't he, Paulson and wal-street don't understand? Here are some questions you need to consider and ask the politicians.
(3 comments) SHARE Wednesday, May 7, 2008 Are Vampire Capitalists About to Descend on Crisis Wrought Myanmar?
The day Cyclone Nargis slammed into Myanmar, Bush ordered a new round of sanctions on Burmese state companies to pressure the military leadership there over human rights abuses and to push for political change. There appears to be a hidden agenda...