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George Ripley

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Democracy is the pre-eminent value of all Americans, our cherished birthright. My work is to help unite the electoral reform movement into a congruent platform which we can push forward as a nation.


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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, June 21, 2008
Obama declines public money while asking the public for money. Good for him! Granny D, one of America's most ardent supporters of publicly financed campaigns, agrees that Obama is correct in going directly to the grassroots public for campaign funds. Until we create a proper arena for presidential campaigns, complete with a level playing field and proper rules of engagement, we can't be letting insincere party machines, media and 527 groups spoil the debate. They should contribute outside the arena.
(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Saturday, August 12, 2006
To all good hearted Americans - Mexico needs our help now Calling upon all Americans who cherish democracy to support the Mexican people in their magnificent struggle for a recount. No more stolen presidential elections anywhere.

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