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Gregory Haddock

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Gregory is the host and producer of the Majority Villain podcast and former spokesperson for Revolt Against Plutocracy. Gregory had a front row seat in the Great Recession: experiencing the housing bubble shortly after purchasing his first home, witness to an FDIC bank closure where he had worked and the subsequent liquidation of his retirement, the tens of thousands of dollars of debt from his university studies, all culminating in a presence at Occupy Boston where he proudly marched with the occupiers. He has a B.A. in philosophy from the University of Northern Colorado and currently studies political science at Tubingen Universität in Germany where he has resided for the last three years.

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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Friday, July 29, 2016
#OurRevolution Can you imagine an even "trumpier Trump"? Like a Trump that's high on meth, or gives hand guns to children, or maybe one actively campaigning on a platform to replace all US currency faces with that thatch pelt we see every night on the news. Imagining a worse Trump may be an exercise that however exhausting could be just as necessary in trying to understand what exactly birthed the great American embarrassment.

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