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Marcia Rand

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I am a South Floridian called to New York by very elderly parents needing assistance. They are both gone now, but I'm still here until something magical happens and the universe provides the means to head to the Carolinas.
In the meantime I continue to loathe cold and snow, and adore Polar Fleece.

I am absolutely mad/crazy/nuts/wild about books, nature in all of it's pristine glory, and the animals and birds that inhabit the parts that they can find that are not (yet) decimated by human stupidity. I feel that animals are equally as important as humans; as inhabitants of this earth and her bounty. We are self-important because we think we are better than any other life form, when nothing could be further from the truth. Opposable thumbs do not equal superiority! As Albert Schweitzer so insightfully stated:

Until we extend our circle of compassion
to all living things, humanity will not find peace.

Albert Schweitzer
The Philosophy of Civilization

I am an artist in Mixed Media and acrylics; photography, Quilting, sculpture, and currently specialize in creating and selling Primitive reproductions of Colonial toys and dolls. Fabric is a new art form that I have been enjoying for the past couple of years.

Politically I list to port; sometimes extremely so when it comes to my passionate feelings about Nature and her creatures. I sign petitions like mad, write Letters to the Editor about things/statements/people that annoy me; I have picketed for years (I was a child of the 60s after all) and still do when the need is great.

I am presently and for the past few years a member of the Unitarian Universalist Society, and it seems to be a perfect fit for me at this time in my life. I am an Ovo/Lacto Vegetarian with only very occasional forays into flesh. I love seafood but will not eat billfish as they are endangered; prefer eating things that do not bleed. It's a funny thing but I feel such relief in my heart when I eat veggie meals!!

I choose to be single after losing my beloved spouse to cancer in 2002. I am fortunate enough to have furred and feathered companions that love me as much as I love them and are demonstrative, too, with kisses and paw touches and snuggles. Two domestic shorthair cats; One rescued Chihuahua (from a busted Puppy Mill raided by the police) and my buddy, an Amazon Parrot named Izzy.

I have a chosen family, and one of my family members is Phil Klein, Musician Extraordinaire and Raconteur, and a recent blogger on this site who seems to be writing his autobiography in OpEd News blog chapters!:-) He has been writing, performing and playing music since he was a child, and he's now a young man in his 80s!! You would NEVER know that he is in that age bracket though, as he's sharp as a tack, he's very clever and witty, has a very well-developed sense of humor, and can still play any of 4,000 classic songs of yesteryear without needing to see the music!! If you are in the mood to be entertained, search him out and have a few good laughs and hear some wonderful musical standards from days gone by!! He's delightfull!!

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