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Cyril Robinson

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I was born in the 20s in the West Bronx,NY, where I grew up. I went to the Bronx HS of Science. There,I worked on an experiment giving hormones to tadpoles that I weighed daily to record the effect of the hormones. At Bronx Science, all the students were engaged in experiments of one kind or another so it was a very exciting atmosphere. I volunteered to join the Army Air Force. I served 22 months in WWII, flying as a radio-operator gunner for 23 missions. On one of the missions our plane was disabled and we ended up at an American base in the Ukraine. This was an exciting interlude for a young man. Almost all Russian men either were away at war or were disabled.

After the war, I became a newspaper reporter in the South where I was involved in the Civil Rights movement,once in Birmingham, and then in Selma, Alabama. Thereafter,I decided I wanted to go to law school. I went to Northwestern University Law School in Chicago because that was the only law school that gave college credit for army service.After law school, I joined law firm that represented the Packinghouse Workers Union of America (UPWA). I began to represent Packinghouse workers, mostly black, as a lawyer who worked for the law firm representing their union. I wrote a biography that took several years of reseach about the union leader, Ralph Helstein, who represented these packinghouse workers. In 2011 the book had published by CLIO-ABC Press. I am now engaged in publishing histories of Yiddish,and of Yiddish in France, based on interviews in French, with French Jews,living in Paris that I translated into English. I am married with two girls and three grandchildren. I live in Paris with my French wife, Nicole.

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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Sunday, March 31, 2013
Will Socialism Win the Next Round in French Elections? I have lived in Paris for several years and have followed the recent French elections in which the Party Socialist candidate, François Holland won. The next round comes June 15 when the French legislature will be elected. If Holland and the Socialists win that election all power will be in their hands. If he losses, his program will be stifled by the right-wing.

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