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Dennis Kaiser is an author and consultant focusing on individual rights. As a US citizen Dennis is deeply concerned over how our nation has fallen from being productive and full of hope to one where that hope is being stripped from the majority as more and more "freedoms' are being taken along with economic burdens weighing more heavily on their shoulders.
(7 comments) SHARE Wednesday, August 12, 2020 The Trojan Horse Election
As we enter another presidential election year the "lesser of two evils" mantra comes up once again and, as usual, one cannot deny the American people are not given a candidate who is equipped, fundamentally, or morally to manage and direct the future of our nation.
(7 comments) SHARE Monday, December 2, 2019 The State of the 2020 Democrat Presidential Campaign
The 2020 Presidential campaign isn't going as planned as their primary candidates are proving to be nothing more than the order-takers they were intended to be and their bought and paid for media propagandists are losing a grip on keeping Joe Biden semi-significant at best.
(7 comments) SHARE Friday, June 14, 2019 Venezuela is Back in the Sites of the Propaganda Media - Here's a Real Look
This Venezuelan fiasco is but another blow to United States citizens who attempt to hold on to any semblance of being "proud to be American" as greed and thuggish attitudes of a select few who, because of their wealth, think the wealth of all others belongs to them, even the wealth of a sovereign nation.
(21 comments) SHARE Friday, April 8, 2016 Bernie is Wrong -- It is Not the Fossil-Fuel Influence That Will Control Hillary
The influence of the fossil fuel industry is but a minor bump in the road. The major influence Hillary, or any of the past Presidents have had to deal with in that of the Committee of 300. Not much is known about this group of world power brokers, and that is how they plan it, as it is much easier to accomplish when not noticed than it is with all watching. Just ask any rat who can create much destruction in the dark, but turn
(3 comments) SHARE Monday, February 8, 2016 "Pie in the Sky" or Don't Seek Even Try
During every political campaign for the highest office in our nation, and at one time not long ago the World, we get a lot of failed promises, things the people want to hear, but the person promising them has no intention of attempting to get them once in.
This election there is a candidate willing to walk their talk.
(14 comments) SHARE Tuesday, May 26, 2015 The TPP - A Sampling of What to Expect
Since the signing of various "trade agreements" such as NAFTA, CAFTA, and other FTA's the investor-state-tribunals have ordered taxpayers to pay $444.1 Million to foreign investors in addition to paying half of the costs of the arbitrations as well as attorney charges in those not only won by the government (there were actually 22 cases in which the government prevailed), but of course those in which the tribunal ruled against
(32 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 26, 2015 Obama Lies When He Says The TPP is Good For American Workers
We now have Congress readying itself to give up its authority to debate and amendment trade agreements by simply raising their hand (most likely with their faces covered in order to keep anonymity) without out any other input.
(25 comments) SHARE Wednesday, April 22, 2015 The World of Koch
In actuality the Kochs are nothing more than deniers of fact. In their case the truth does hurt them, the truth about global change is but one example.
They also do not accept the fact that their agenda for America does not work, yet they continue to buy their way into that agenda (See notseeamerica.com/Koch-Brothers.html ) as we see the detrimental effects to people, our economy, .....
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 7, 2014 Condoleezza Rice on the "Final Four" Panel?
The naming of Conoleezza Rice on this football panel to pick the "Final Four" is nothing more than showing this to be a political group. Her credentials for this panel are on the same level as those she had to be National Security Adviser and Secretary of State, both on which she proved incompetent.
(2 comments) SHARE Saturday, November 15, 2014 Is It Time To Change The Voting Process?
In the wake of voter suppression in the recent election process there hasn't been as much as a whisper of fraudulent vote counting, yet there are enough discrepancies that beg for some sort of answer.
(5 comments) SHARE Sunday, November 2, 2014 War on Democracy
Over the span of 30+ years the United States has been battling wars from across the globe, according to Wikipedia there are 96 identified as "war" since 1980. Naturally, some were more devastating as the majority, but America has been at war for more than 30 decades against an enemy that is readily known.
This war has been more devastating than any foreign group.
(4 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 25, 2014 TAFTA - Monsanto's Backdoor to GMOs
A "trade" deal only in name, TAFTA would require the United States and EU to conform domestic financial laws and regulations, climate policies, food- and product-safety standards, data-privacy protections, and other non-trade policies to TAFTA rules.
(16 comments) SHARE Sunday, April 13, 2014 Is There Any Doubt Who's Shredding Our Nation?
When one steps back and takes a look at where our nation stands in 2014 only a severe headache brought on by dismay can result. How could we allow a once strong nation fall to such depths?
There have been other "bumps" that we could have withstood, however, there has also been a battle from within taking place that has been happening without much notice of the people..
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, December 19, 2013 What Will 2014 Bring?
There are several issues that must be addressed in 2014, but only the people can demand that they are. When will the people rise to the occasion? Hopefully it is 2014.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, September 2, 2013 Response to Obama's Speech to Congress
As Obama goes through the same reasons to illegally invade yet another sovereign nation let us be reminded doing such is a war crime and a crime against humanity.
Until those making these decisions are brought to trial it will continue, even escalate.
When, and who, will stop it?
(11 comments) SHARE Saturday, August 31, 2013 Walker's Police State
The Corporate Media Propagandists remain silent as Scott Walker's police state tightens their grip on innocent bystanders.
(6 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 25, 2013 How is Our Government Keeping Us Safe?
Invading our privacy to keep us safe is voodoo communication, it is false. We must stop listening to the words of government and start looking at their actions.
(6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, June 12, 2013 Surveillence To Keep Us Safe. Not.
It has recently been brought to our attention that Verizon (and most likely AT&T, T-Mobile, and all other phone companies) has released its data bank of all phone calls made by every phone in the United States. The same action has applied to emails,
with an emphasis on those coming and going from outside the U.S. This invasion of our privacy, we are told, is to keep us safe....
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, May 26, 2013 Six KXL Facts NBC Missed
In April NBC featured a program on the tar sands oil coming from Canada and their report was disputed on the website oilsandfactcheck.org , the owner of the site is "hidden" but one can only imagine it might be a "front" group of the Koch boys, as they stand to profit dearly (some estimate $3 Billion/per year in profits), from the Keystone XL Pipeline.