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Because of the nature of what I propose you can guess why I'm anonymous. Some people don't like the idea of real power and think of it as a kin to offering hand grenades to teenagers. That said, have a read. A lot of people find my thoughts insightful, provoking, amusing and completely off the wall.
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JK Ellis is a researcher and author on the field of href="http://mindcontrol101.com">mind control. He proposes that in itself mind control is neither good nor evil but a tool that can and should be used for self improvement.
(3 comments) SHARE Tuesday, August 5, 2008 Hypnosis- Can it Be Used Against People's Will?
From the most cynical hypnotist in the world, you will now hear if hypnosis can be used to make people act against their will.
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, February 2, 2008 How cults create an artificial personality in their followers (and how you can do it too).
The methods that cults use to create new personalities in people can be used by anyone in any group setting and can be thought of as a "Management system" or a technique of motivation. Thus there is a benefit to applying this knowledge in other areas.