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Barbara Zaha

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A not-for-profit consultant specializing in fundraising and development, I have consciously channeled my outrage and frustration at the lawlessness of the Bush regime, the complacency and complicity of mainstream media, and the overall lack of moral clarity and democratic characteristics demonstrated by far too many Americans the past 8 years into grassroots activism and resistance to the political elite.

I firmly believe America could be the greatest nation on earth, we have, by intent or default, recklessly delegated our responsibility to subversives with political power and/or connection. It is, in my view, time to separate corporation and state and use our political will for far more than a whispered vote every two years. We are responsible for holding elected officials accountable; whether we voted for them or not is irrelevant. We have created a political situation in which we voluntarily relinquish our vast rights in a democracy, preferring instead to grumble and moan, when those entrusted fail to enact laws and policies that are truly in our best interest.

If there is disparity, poverty, strife, unemployment, war, unrest, inequality, insufficient health care, or violations of human and civil rights, then we must hold ourselves accountable for allowing these situations to exist, for allowing those we elected to act inappropriately or fail to address these critical issues.

There's an old adage that states, "In a democracy, you get the government you deserve." America at the dawn of a new century has unequivocally proven the truth of that tenant.

It matters less to me that you share my values or support the same political party as I do; what matters is that you actively participate in our sacred democracy -- that you prove your voice and use it consistently and constructively.

This profile is intentionally less about me and more about the political landscape "we" have created and allowed to fester for decades, culminating in the creation of what is perhaps the most crucial time in our nation's history. Starting with the "me generation" of the 1970's too much focus has been placed on the individual; sadly even at times to such an extent it causes vast suffering of others. These challenging and horrifying times graciously offer a unique opportunity for all of us to look beyond our personal needs and preferences to manifest an interrelated, interdependent global community which seeks the greater good for all.

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(3 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Oxymoron of the Century: Freedom Cages Despite the inspiring eloquence of the candidates and political party leadership, neither of the two major parties wants to hear the truth or the true voice of the American people.

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