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George Stone

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George Stone has a master's degrees in anthropology and social work. He is a licensed clinical social worker with 35 years experience in therapy and supervision specializing in family & brief therapy and has practiced privately and publicly with patients ranging from poor to middle class, with urban and rural families, and with Black, Hispanic, White, Asian American, Native American and Alaska Native families. He is dedicated to keeping families together by helping them solve their own problems without using psychiatric medication or hospitalization, and to returning children home if they are in psychiatric custody.

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(1 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Wednesday, May 17, 2006
THE PRESIDENT’S NEW FREEDOM COMMISSION ON MENTAL HEALTH In a sweeping move to erase parental rights and hook millions of children on drugs, President Bush created the very mis-named New “Freedom” Commission on Mental Health. Despite the appealing false name and fraudulent compassionate-sounding goals, this is just yet another example of Bush victimizing the people to enrich his friends in big business. This article lays bare the truth of what your government has been up to.

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