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Recently a Democratic candidate for Arizona's new Congressional District 4, Mikel Weisser has been challenging the right and raising a ruckus since the 1980s. Born the son of a nightclub singer, Mikel Weisser watched anti-war hippies getting beaten on TV during the Vietnam War and decided to devote his life to protest against unreasoning authority, but not to getting beaten. Though he spent almost two years traveling the country as a hitchhiker and found himself homeless more than once since then, Weisser has gone on to receive a Masters degree in Literature and a Masters in Secondary Education as well, to publish hundreds of freelance magazine and newspaper articles + political commentary columns, along with 7 books of poetry and short fiction. A former homeless shelter administrator, food co-op manager, carnie, ditch digger, and traveling turquoise merchant/poet who has performed at the Green Mill, The World Stage, and the Beat Museum , a contestant on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, and a survivor of his first wife's suicide, Weisser teaches middle school US History and Constitution, helped draft the July 4th 2012 99% Delegation's Declaration of Grievances as a representative for western AZ at the 2012 Continental Congress 2.0 at Independence Hall, a member of the Progressive Democrats of America, Code Pink, and the teachers union and an officer in the Mohave County Democratic Party; but also a member of the NORAZ poets and community arts organizer and muralist, plus host of Kingman, Arizona's annual book festival, KABAM ("Kingman Area Books Are Magic!"). AND, oh yes, an avid-beagle-phile/chicken farmer. He and his wife Beth married in 2007 at their home in So-Hi, Arizona, live with their daughter Victoria, plus numerous pets; and have turned their property into a themepark for "peace and love and stuff," which happens to includes "the world's largest white trash peacesign" as seen on Google Earth.
(1 comments) SHARE Monday, December 17, 2012 Current Comedy: Suffering Little Children
If Republicans had had their way these past few years then the GOP dream could have come true of going back to the good old days that were so union-free that those kids would never have been in danger in those classrooms. Heck, by age 7 they all would have been shackled to machinery in sweatshops instead.
(6 comments) SHARE Tuesday, December 4, 2012 Current Comedy: "If at First You Don't Secede ""
What do you call someone who schemes 2 starve his fellow Americans, gleefully engineers their impoverishment & homelessness, lie 2 their families & friends 2 get them 2 ignore their crimes & then joyfully demeans millions of others 4 being offended @ their chicanery? Well, back in my construction worker days I would have leaned towards the 14 letter phrase that translates loosely into proper English as copulating rectum--
SHARE Thursday, November 15, 2012 What Money Can't Buy
Arizona is shifting blue like the rest of the country. It's just that the cowpokes and rednecks haven't given up just yet. Mohave County is the reddest part of this reddest state. It's where i do battle--
(1 comments) SHARE Thursday, October 13, 2011 Pre-Occupied... and Feeling A Wind Change
i think i feel the wind change. And whether it chooses to lay or gale, i for one have been blown from my doldrums and am again chasing some course. It was great to feel alive again, to believe in America and a future. I just hope it is not too late to have one.
SHARE Thursday, April 14, 2011 Current Comedy--Godzilla Returns
Last year at Xmas, i thought i had written what would be my last column. It was good enough, a great place to stop. As i whip around the sins and the syntax searching for some laughs on a semi-recurring basis, after twenty years it seemed i had about written about all i could stand about the relentless Republican onslaught on America. I was plumb "Repuglied -out."
SHARE Friday, March 25, 2011 Current Comedy: Are We Libya Yet?
As they've killed America, they've hoped we wouldn't notice. They juggled bread and circuses to dazzle us. They told us every year we were getting better and shinier; and, vain fools that we are, we believed them. We fell for it time after time.
SHARE Sunday, December 26, 2010 The Millionaires Club
The recent Republican landslide will be a test to see how many 21st Century Americans are actually ready to party that hearty when we're talking Tea Party style, as in like it's 1773.
SHARE Wednesday, December 1, 2010 "The Things We Do as Democrats"
Bumbling Reportage at the Arizona State Democratic Party Post Election Statewide Meeting
(2 comments) SHARE Friday, November 5, 2010 Germany 1928: Welcome to the Occupation
Terry Goddard may be professionally trained to have left-side blindness, but he was clearly better than Brewer. Most animate objects and even some fence posts would probably be better than Brewer
SHARE Friday, October 29, 2010 Current Comedy, 10/05/10: Just Bully
Over and over again, the right-wing call for businesses to breathe free, free from the oppression of government's supposedly bullying regulations. Over and over the people looking out for our safety, our government, gets cast as a bully and we rally to condemn the bad old "gub'mint," then remove the cage we use to contain the wild beat we call the free market and every time we try this, it bites us in the ass.
(2 comments) SHARE Thursday, September 2, 2010 Terrorists Win?
By me, any huckster who aims to hide his sinister intentions in a cloak of religion is one of the lowest of sinners, a knowingly false prophet. In some religions you get stoned for it, or in Rush Limbaugh's case, really, really vicodin-ed out.
SHARE Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Birthers Bashing Babies
Current Comedy, 8/16/10: So what IS a terror baby? Why only the most brilliant right-wing Obama deception yet, that's what. Supposedly all the rage in the right-wing psycho circles, this one is the über-theory that neatly ties together several strands of tea party delusion into one handy carrying case.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, July 31, 2010 Current Comedy, 7/31/10: Must Be a Republican
After twenty years of observation, i would have to say that Republicans fall into three groups: deceitfully greed-driven, vindictively self-righteous, and/or stupid.
Dear angered reader, pray tell which group do you fall in?
SHARE Sunday, May 2, 2010 Current Comedy 4/26/10: Hoarders Needing Boarders
In one single pen stroke our governor has indeed stemmed the massive tide of the thousands who come to our state merely to exploit its resources. Oh wait, that was the tourists.