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Eric Boehlert is the author of Lapdogs: How the Press Rolled Over for Bush (Free Press, 2006). He worked for five years as a senior writer for Salon.com, where he wrote extensively about media and politics. Prior to that, he worked as a contributing editor for Rolling Stone. Boehlert has a bachelor's degree in Near Eastern studies from the University of Massachusetts and is a Senior Fellow at Media Matters for America.
(6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, January 1, 2020 2019, the year the press tried -- and failed -- to stand up to Trump
There continues to be a collective reluctance to grapple with today's difficult reality. Unfamiliar with covering authoritarian regimes or how to respond to them, many news outlets remain committed to treating Trump's spectacle as a reality TV show.
SHARE Tuesday, December 10, 2019 CNN has yet another GOP problem
CNN should welcome conservatives onto their televised debates and discussions. But they shouldn't make exceptions for conservatives who are unqualified for the job.
SHARE Wednesday, November 20, 2019 Roger Stone and the media's shame of 2016
A federal court convicted former Donald Trump adviser Roger Stone on seven counts, including obstruction of a proceeding, false statements, and witness tampering only added to Trump's woes as the second day of impeachment hearings played out in Washington.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, November 1, 2019 CNN's Sean Duffy problem is only going to get worse
CNN wants to position itself as occupying the center of American politics, which means CNN has to have lots of conservative voices to match the number of liberal voices, all so they can stage Both Sides debates. For decades, that has worked for the network. What no longer works is CNN hiring Trump sycophants like Duffy, because Trump sycophants like Duffy say crazy stuff nonstop.
(1 comments) SHARE Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Why is Facebook trying to re-elect Trump?
Social media and tech giants are doing exactly what traditional media companies did when they faced bogus cries of "bias" from the right-wing swamp: They're running around trying to curry favor with conservatives, desperately trying to explain that they're not really anti-GOP. In the process, they're clearing the field for Trump's re-election campaign to lie its way back into office.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, October 21, 2019 Of course Trump should be kicked off Twitter
The Trump Twitter conundrum gains added importance as the 2020 election season approaches. Trump no doubt will use the social media platform and his nearly 70 million followers to spread endless lies about Democratic candidates (he's already done that to Joe Biden) while inciting fresh political violence, and do it all with the social media company's blessing.
SHARE Thursday, October 10, 2019 How canceling White House press briefings is now helping Trump fight impeachment
The Trump defense is built on lies, debunked conspiracies, and, perhaps most oddly, public admissions of guilt. In this scenario, the last thing the White House wants is to face a series of detailed questions from seasoned (and skeptical) reporters.
SHARE Wednesday, September 11, 2019 Media coverage of Trump rallies is completely broken
The good news is cable news channels, even including Fox News, no longer treat Donald Trump rallies as must-air events. The bad news is that news outlets still cover the redundant, news-free rallies religiously and in the process help spread unchecked Trump lies.
(1 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 7, 2019 Confirmed: Trump lies to reporters more often than he lies to any other group
There's something deeply ironic and disturbing about the fact that Trump lies to reporters more than anyone else, yet they're the one group that won't accurately label him a liar. The truth is that the press has never figured out how to cover a president who's a pathological liar, and I suspect they never will.
(2 comments) SHARE Monday, August 26, 2019 "The chosen one": Now more than ever, the press needs to address Trump's manic instability
Trump referred to himself as "the chosen one." He quoted a rabid conspiracy theorist who declared that Israeli Jews love Trump as if he were the "King of Israel" and "the second coming of God," while Trump himself accused American Jews of "great disloyalty" if they voted for Democrats. He attacked the prime minister of Denmark ("nasty") because she will not sell him Greenland and she mocked the very idea as "absurd.
SHARE Tuesday, August 20, 2019 What Bernie Sanders gets right with his critique of the corporate media
CNN labeled Sanders' recent critique a "dangerous" Trump-like attack on the "free press." A.) That's patently absurd, and B.) That kind of exaggerated rhetoric simply proves Sanders' point about the corporate media and the collective lens it uses.
(4 comments) SHARE Friday, August 16, 2019 The media's obsession with Democratic "gaffes" in the age of Trump insanity
The media's Biden gaffe obsession really seems out of whack, given that it's unfolding against the backdrop of the presidency of Donald Trump, whose entire political career can accurately be described as a verbal gaffe. Famous for being a habitual liar, as well as boasting garbled and often impossible-to-follow syntax that leaves people scratching their heads trying to make sense of his pronouncements.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, July 31, 2019 Why the D.C. press isn't equipped to handle Trump's racist re-election crusade
Doubling and tripling down on his bigoted commentary and racist tweets, Donald Trump is all but boasting that his re-election run will be fueled by hate speech and hardcore white grievance. Trump's re-election strategy is to basically spark a rhetorical race war. It would be nice if the news media had the courage to say so, but it's clear that today's overwhelmingly white political press corps is not up to the challenge.
(17 comments) SHARE Sunday, July 14, 2019 Dangerous liaisons: Fox News teams up with Russian agents to undermine democracy
With the revelation this week that Fox News helped Russian intelligence agents spread the vulgar conspiracy theory about Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich's murder in 2016, we have entered a dark and dangerous place. We're at the point where a major American cable news channel teamed up with forces from a foreign adversary in order to damage a major political party in this country.