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(16 comments) SHARE Monday, April 9, 2018 The Millennial Party
The author is advocating for the rapid development and deployment of a new political party that actually has the numbers to dethrone the existing two party political paradigm that no longer works in America...The Millennial Party
SHARE Friday, January 14, 2011 Debunking Health Care Costs Apologists
This article debunks the primary argument used to justify the outrageous spiraling costs of health care in America.
(18 comments) SHARE Tuesday, January 4, 2011 I Am Uninsured and Scared
This writer has recently lost his health insurance and shares with the reader the new feelings of frustration and fear due to the ongoing health care crisis.
(6 comments) SHARE Saturday, August 21, 2010 Corporate Lobbyists Are Killing Our Democracy
This article offers a succinct indictment of Republican and Democratic lawmakers whose votes are bought by corporate lobbyists. The author advocates for ending big money lobbying and restoring the value of the petition.
(1 comments) SHARE Friday, March 20, 2009 Will Obama Reach Out to Chavez?
Hugo Chavez is often painted as a dangerous demagogue or tyrannical dictator by his many detractors. The bigger picture that is often overlooked about Chavez is that el Norte is primarily responsible for this man's rise to power. Hopefully, Obama will offer a new diplomacy to the South.
SHARE Monday, March 2, 2009 Institute for Progressive Christianity Issues Ground-Breaking White Paper on Distributive Justice
The Institute for Progressive Christianity (IPC) has released a ground breaking progressive Christian economics white paper from Frank Cocozzelli entitled "Reclaiming Capitalism Through Principles of Distributive Justice." Cocozzelli offers an astute overview of why our economy is unraveling and pragmatic moral steps that must be taken to rebuild a thriving economy that benefits everyone.
SHARE Saturday, January 10, 2009 Time To Get Back To Work
It's time to shake off post election lethargy and awaken compassionate activism.
(6 comments) SHARE Saturday, December 27, 2008 What Is the "Gay Agenda?"
What other legal concerns beyond same sex marriage need to be addressed that are preventing LGBT's from enjoying full legal rights of citizenship in America? Legally speaking, does a comprehensive civil union fail to assure any rights that a state sanctioned marriage covers?
(5 comments) SHARE Friday, October 31, 2008 Is Barack Obama a Muslim, a Socialist, or the Antichrist?
Why is it that American Presidential elections seem to bring out the worst in Christians? Why are Christians so terrified by Barack Obama? With wild-eyes and frothing mouths, Christians have told me repeatedly that Obama is a Muslim, a socialist and even the Antichrist.
SHARE Monday, October 20, 2008 The Reeking Rot of Racism
I've been catching whiffs of something foul ever since Barack Obama first announced his candidacy for the highest office in the land and I have finally discovered what it is. It is the subtle, but reeking rot of racism.
(30 comments) SHARE Saturday, January 12, 2008 Progressive Christians Respond to Neo-con Fundamentalism
The pendulum of religious influence on socio/political issues has begun to swing back to the Left and thank God for it. The unholy merger of neo-conservatism with the holy fever of the Religious Right is at last being countered by a growing contingency of left leaning Progressive Christians.
(8 comments) SHARE Saturday, September 1, 2007 Where Are the Prophets?
Are there any real prophets cut from the same cloth of an Elijah who confounded evil King Ahab or a John the Baptist who called out the sins of Herod? Are there any among the fundamentally conservative or the progressively liberal wings of Christianity who are willing to break political ranks and speak truth to power?
(9 comments) SHARE Friday, December 15, 2006 Christians Rebuke Dr. Dobson
Progressive Christian think tank refutes and rebukes Dobson comments and draws the ire of Rush Limbaugh.
SHARE Monday, September 25, 2006 How Can Any Christian Support the GOP?
Should any Christian support the current version of the GOP? This might seem like an odd question considering how so many have come to think GOP stands for God's Own Party. The evidence refuting this notion has become overwhelming.