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(2 comments) SHARE Friday, June 25, 2010 It is because we are following our leaders and our leaders are corrupt.
we are cattle bred for slaughter and are now approaching the shoots. Some of us are getting antsy but the herd is keeping us from bolting. For now. Pretty soon, I'm gonna start using my horns to get my herd-mates out of my path to freedom. I ain't going down that shoot without a fight.
(8 comments) SHARE Monday, January 29, 2007 We need to Know the Enemy to Defend America
The education system they built has assured our ignorance, their media distracts our attention, their economic control keeps us servile, and their wars keep us seeking the sense of Order our base nature craves through all of the other Chaos they create to divert our energy.
(9 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 7, 2007 An Analogy on Capitalism: Chestnut Trees
Our newly elected leaders know. If they do not, they certainly have staff members who are perfectly aware of how the money and the power merge to create policy.
SHARE Friday, January 5, 2007 A partial history of our controllers
The inheritors of that initial corporate take over is the force that put George W. Bush in the oval office, And Bill Clinton before him. They are in apparent with John Majors becoming a director of the Carlyle group and Tony Blair laying over for Bush's illegal war.
(15 comments) SHARE Sunday, December 24, 2006 Why I Comment
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