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SHARE Monday, April 19, 2010 EJF newsletter - Shameful Secret? Post-traumatic Symptoms in the Corrections Ranks by Caterina Spinaris Tudor Ph.D.
PTSD is found in all professions where high stress and traumatic situations occur.Dr. Tudor's work is with corrections officers, many of them at Supermax, America's maximum security prison, where obviously the stress levels are high. But members of any similar profession, police, fire fighters,military,etc., often suffer from the same problems and, all too frequently, are ashamed to seek assistance.Encourage them to seek help.
SHARE Friday, July 18, 2008 Mail Ballots - cost, convenience, voter turnout, and other lies
When something is broken and can't be fixed it is a common ploy of children and bureaucrats to attempt to hide it. With regard to electronic voting, mail ballots are just such a childish tactic, fertile ground on which election fraud will grow.A further caveat is that every election process and device must be completely transparent to concerned citizens.
SHARE Monday, July 7, 2008 ATM PIN Numbers and Accounts Hacked
For many years proponents of electronic voting, vendors, election officials, and their paid PR shills, have been touting the use of ATMs as analog evidence of the security attainable with electronic networks and to claim electronic voting machines had the same level of security and deserved the same trust.
It hasn't seemed to penetrate with duped clerks and these flacks for election fraud that:
SHARE Saturday, February 2, 2008 CO: Signature verification machines for mail ballots 2/2/08
With voter distrust of electronic voting equipment at record levels,in the midst of an election crisis brought about by shoddy electronic voting machines,why would any election official/legislator want to introduce even more untested, mistrusted,uncertified,non-standard equipment into the 08 election?I've noticed it particularly in CO where legislators pass laws first and then try and figure out if "it" will work...
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, January 27, 2008 Detecting election fraud made virtually impossible
The discerning reader will note that none of these protections exist today in many elections.Perhaps we should heed the lessons learned by our forefathers & return to the methods they developed for secure & honest elections.That isn't to say better means & methods for voting can't/won't be developed in the future,or that computers don't have a place in elections.But it is safe to state that present hastily & ill-informed laws
SHARE Tuesday, January 1, 2008 The grinch who stole elections
It doesn't seem to have penetrated, however,that mail ballot elections are virtually impossible without the use of the discredited and distrusted electronic voting machines.Only with mail ballots the vote counting is done in a back room essentially without citizen oversight.So we would have error-prone machines being used to count our ballots in secret.Why multiply the dangers of electronic voting with a mail ballot election?
SHARE Sunday, December 9, 2007 Salt Lake City Mayor: "We Won't Take it Anymore!"
We raise our voices in unison to say to President Bush,to Vice President Cheney,to other members of the Bush Administration (past and present),to a majority of Congress, including Utah's entire congressional delegation,and to much of the mainstream media:"You have failed us miserably and we won't take it anymore." Silence iscomplicity.Only by standing up for what's right and never letting down can we say we are doing our part.
SHARE Wednesday, September 12, 2007 Election integrity sold down the river in Colorado
As a result,the same incompetent bureaucrat,who has been constantly involved in disasters since joining the CO Dept.of State,was left in charge of the recertification process. As you might guess,recertification has not yet been done,although it was scheduled to be completed by 7/1/07.And no one predicts the process will be complete before the Nov 07 election.Time for county clerks and commissioners listened to the people...?
(2 comments) SHARE Tuesday, June 26, 2007 You will vote the way we tell you to vote! Verstehen!
At the base of the American system of government are elections of those individuals who will represent us,and into whose hands we place responsibility for upholding the Constitution and protecting our rights.But when citizens exercise their right to vote without open, honest elections with a secret ballot they run the risk of electing poltroons and fools who will lead us into preemptive wars,eliminate such basic protections...
SHARE Friday, January 12, 2007 Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire
Mail Ballot Elections: The next tsunami: You can have an honest election, or you can have a mail in/absentee
ballot election, but you can't have both at the same time. Read on to learn why...
SHARE Sunday, October 29, 2006 The Case vs. Diebold (or any other Electronic Voting Machine Vendor, for that matter)
Our forbearers developed a working solution for elections.Voters go to a local precinct, hand mark a paper ballot and put it in a locked ballot box.At the end of the day the ballots are counted in public view by at least two election judges of opposing parties before the ballots ever leave the polling place.That is as safe, secure, and accurate a method as has been devised for voting.It is also considerably cheaper than EVM.