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Chris Floyd

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Chris Floyd is an American journalist. His work has appeared in print and online in venues all over the world, including The Nation, Counterpunch, Columbia Journalism Review, the Christian Science Monitor, Il Manifesto, the Moscow Times and many others. He is the author of Empire Burlesque: High Crimes and Low Comedy in the Bush Imperium, and is co-founder and editor of the "Empire Burlesque" political blog.

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iraq war, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Saturday, March 20, 2021 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing On the 18th Anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq For months before the Iraq War began, many wrote about the outrageous lies that were being told by the US government and its media sycophants to bring about this mass-murdering act of aggression.
Donald Trump, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Monday, February 15, 2021 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing On the Acquittal of the Murderous Thug Donald Trump Good things have happened in and come from America. But the idea so many of us had of America was lost long ago; it was never real. It was sham, and a hope, and a cheat, and a desire, and a dream of what could be but what never was.
I Can't Breathe, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing House of Death: Trump's Endgame Plan to Kill Democracy If you are resting easy about the election result: don't. If you don't think Trump, McConnell and their party of rightwing extremists, who have already exerted every sinew in a bid to destroy the democratic process, won't keep on doing this until the very last second, with every weapon at their disposal, no matter what damage it will cause -- think again.
Joe Biden, From CreativeCommonsPhoto
Saturday, November 7, 2020 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing Brief note on a bleary post-election morning It should never have been this close, with an incumbency that has literally destroyed the economy and wilfully condemned tens of thousands of Americans to needless death.
Sunday, October 25, 2020 SHARE More Sharing "Lost Americans": A national ballad of history and tragedy "Lost Americans" -- A national ballad of history and tragedy by Chris Floyd
Michael Gove and Boris Johnson, From YouTubeVideos
Wednesday, September 30, 2020 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Lords of Misrule: UK Elites and the Rise of Global Feudalism Until we stop treating these radical, death-dealing, society-wrecking extremists as normal politicians working within the system, we cannot effectively confront them and stop their depredations. They will continue to use the system itself to hollow out government and society until there is nothing left but their little clique.
From Uploaded
Sunday, September 27, 2020 SHARE More Sharing The Surrendered Land: US Institutions Won't Fight for Democracy There are no institutional forces in American life that will stand up to a post-election power grab by Trump. They've already demonstrated this by failing to stand up to his egregious and brazen pre-election power-grabs, and his howlingly obvious, easily impeachable/prosecutable corruption.
History in a Minute: The Cuban Missile Crisis., From YouTubeVideos
Friday, September 4, 2020 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing Keepers of the Condor: US Role in Evil Network Shown in Soft Light The reason the US funded, armed, trained and protected the torture-lords of murderous right-wing dictatorships was, we're told here, is because poor little American leaders were traumatized by the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Portland Crackdown: Federal forces  used tear gas and took protestors into custody in Portland, From YouTubeVideos
Tuesday, July 21, 2020 (6 comments) SHARE More Sharing "Pre-Fascist" No Longer: Armed Trumpist Takeover of US Cities Begins Armed, unidentified federal forces are on the streets of Portland, abducting people off the streets and shoving them into rented vans. These federal goon squads are operating against the express wishes of the city's mayor and the state's governor.
John Bolton, From YouTubeVideos
Thursday, June 25, 2020 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Rapid Fire: John Bolton and Mengele's Moustache; Plus Other Recent Horrors Let us all please, please understand: John Bolton is a war criminal, one of the most loathsome wretches ever vomited up by the corrupted, militarized power structure of the US elite.
Dominic Cummings says he 'behaved reasonably and legally' by leaving home during lock-down, From YouTubeVideos
Tuesday, June 16, 2020 SHARE More Sharing Rapid Fire (UK edition): Send in the Clowns; BoJo in Whiteface; a Glimmer of Hope The people in the government today are acting with studied deliberation to advance the morally depraved agenda they have pursued (often openly) throughout their lives: to destroy the very notion of a greater common good and impose the rule of unaccountable elites.
They call Boris Johnson Britain Trump, From YouTubeVideos
Thursday, May 7, 2020 (5 comments) SHARE More Sharing No More Masks: Pandemic Bares the Rotten Core of Anglo-American Power Elites The vile, brutal inhumanity that lies at the core of the power systems in both the US and UK is being laid bare as never before by the pandemic. This is who they are. This is where we are. This is what we now can see: the corroded heart of the power system, and the sick, degraded character of the wretches in charge of it.
From Uploaded
Saturday, April 18, 2020 (4 comments) SHARE More Sharing Death of a Nation The rule of law no longer prevails in the land; armed bands of extremists are roaming the streets of the nation, bellowing hatred and waiting for the order to escalate their lawless violence to the next level.
They call Boris Johnson Britain Trump, From YouTubeVideos
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 (2 comments) SHARE More Sharing Malevolent Magic: The Voodoo of Exceptionalism is Killing Thousands in the US and UK Lock-down without mass testing will not quell the virus; "re-opening" without mass testing will lead swiftly to further disaster, to second and third waves that, absent a vaccine, could be equal to or worse than this initial tsunami.
Joe Biden, From FlickrPhotos
Tuesday, March 24, 2020 (8 comments) SHARE More Sharing The Invisible Man: Joe Biden's Deadly Abdication The presumptive presidential nominee for the opposition party, Joe Biden, is missing in action, as silent as the tombs that Americans are being thrust into by Trump's corrupt and crazed dithering.
Joe Biden, From FlickrPhotos
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 (3 comments) SHARE More Sharing Blowing in the Whirlwind: As Ye Sow, Joe Shall Ye Reap Both Biden and Trump will lumber around the country for months, dribbling out word salad to adoring supporters who don't have the slightest interest in what the doddering old men at the rostrum are saying. Both will spout inane and barely coherent platitudes without offering anything remotely resembling actual policies or programs or solutions to the myriad of dire crises we face.
Julian ASSANGE - painted portrait -, From FlickrPhotos
Thursday, February 27, 2020 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Chill Factor: Wikileaks Trial is a Trump Travesty Aimed at Killing Truth If Assange is extradited to the US and convicted, then every single media outlet that publishes evidence of government wrongdoing will face the same threat. That is the point of his prosecution: to put a chill of fear into every journalist and editor who receives evidence of government crimes.
Prisoner's Dilemma, From FlickrPhotos
Thursday, February 20, 2020 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing The Human Losers or the Husks in Power: Which Side Are You On? I think of my friend whenever I hear some bullshit-bloated politician or commentator dismissing the humanity and dignity of criminals and prisoners. I think of them, and I think of my friend, a parole-violating drug-addicted repeat-offending criminal of no use to the society he lived in and I know by God, I know! which side I'm on.
Donald Trump has been acquitted by the Senate of obstructing Congress and abusing the power of his office as president., From YouTubeVideos
Thursday, February 6, 2020 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Potomac Kabuki: Dems Deliberately Ignore Corruption for Doomed Impeachment Ploy This has been one of the most monumental, tragic and destructive failures in American political history, an outrageous dereliction of duty that will have immense consequences for the nation and the world for decades to come.
Rally for gun rights, From FlickrPhotos
Monday, August 12, 2019 (1 comments) SHARE More Sharing Manliness is a Warm Gun (Bang Bang Shoot Shoot): A colloquy with David French of the National Review You want to protect your family? Then fight against the gun culture, fight against right-wing hatred, fight against the dis-empowerment and despair you right-wing extremists have advanced for decades, fight against the militarization and brutalization of our whole society which both you and your fellow travelers, the "centrist," interventionist neoliberal Democrats, have imposed on our collapsing, corroded, corrupted land.

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