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Asher Miller

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Asher Miller became the Executive Director of Post Carbon Institute in October 2008, after having served as the manager of the Relocalization Network. He's worked in the nonprofit sector since 1996 in various capacities. Prior to joining Post Carbon Institute, Asher founded Climate Changers, an organization that inspires people to reduce their impact on the climate by focusing on simple and achievable actions anyone can take. Some of his previous roles include: Partnership Director at Plugged In, an organization working in East Palo Alto, CA that connects individuals and cultivates minds by creating the opportunity to produce, express, and contribute using technology; International Production Coordinator at Steven Spielberg's Shoah Foundation, which created the largest video archive in the world, containing more than 52,000 interviews conducted in 56 countries around the world; and Youth Manager at the Volunteer Center of Sonoma County, which engaged more than 800 teens a year in community service and education about social and environmental issues. He also ghostwrote the autobiography of a Polish Holocaust survivor who fought as a partisan in the forests of Belarus, and served as a consultant to a number of other nonprofit organizations, including Just Think and Okizu Foundation.

Asher currently serves on the boards of Transition United States and Listening for a Change, and on the Advisory Board of ErthNxt. He recently served as a member of Senator John Edwards' Cleantech / Green Business Advisory Committee. Asher was born in the Netherlands, and has lived in Israel, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Connecticut, Colorado, and California. He currently lives in Santa Rosa, CA with his wife and three year old son. Asher received his B.A. in Creative Writing from The Colorado College.


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(15 comments) SHARE More Sharing        Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monsanto Planting Seeds in the White House? The appointment of Michael Taylor to The Food Safety Working Group would really belie Obama's pledge not to appoint lobbyists to positions within his administration. Taylor is a lawyer who began his revolving door adventures as counsel to FDA. He then moved to King & Spalding, a private-sector law firm representing Monsanto. Taylor wants less regulation; just like the banks wanted and got. And look where that led us.

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