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SHARE Wednesday, November 11, 2009 Bear Stearns Fraud Verdict: E-mails As Proof of Guilt? That's So 20th Century
So cases built on e-mails no longer have the cred they once had.
But the problem is this: Those thoughts on the fly are often really good evidence of malicious or illegal intent. Twittering and texting have merely inured the common folk, blinding them to that fact.
(5 comments) SHARE Sunday, November 8, 2009 Fort Hood's Killer Shrink: Was He One of the Army Docs Pressured to Misdiagnose PTSD in Soldiers?
Perhaps we'll learn as details unfold that Hasan — himself a suicide killer — was one of the Army's psychiatrists and psychologists who were pressured during the first five years of the Iraq War to not diagnose screwed-up soldiers as suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.
SHARE Saturday, October 31, 2009 Post-Halloween Fright: Mutual-Fund Industry's High Fees Threatened by Looming Supreme Court Scrutiny
Ooooo! Scary! Especially if you're one of those mutual-fund advisers who earn high-six or even seven figures (and there are plenty of you).
Those of you who are particularly pissed off about excessive Wall Street bonuses might want to follow this case about excessive fees extracted even more directly from your wallet.
(2 comments) SHARE Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Bank Robs You: Chase's Hefty Profits Put Lie to Claim That Consumers Have to Spend More to End the Recession
The banks are saying that it's up to consumers to spend their own way out of the recession and make the economy whole again. The banks are moaning that people have to spend more to get the money flowing. But the leveraged-buyout firms, like Steve Schwarzman's Blackstone, are already flipping with joy; now that the government has printed enough money to prop up the market, they're pouring their own hoarded money into deals.
(2 comments) SHARE Sunday, August 23, 2009 Twitter Figures Out How to Make a Bundle
Twitter's "pro accounts" would seem to make a lot more sense for advertisers and marketers than hoping that people will see their ads amid all the billions of posts. And it's better, in a way, for Twitter users because you won't see such plastered ads. What you will feel, however, is penetration into your own personal business by advertisers.
SHARE Saturday, August 15, 2009 Pocket Rockets: The 10 Highest-Paid CEOs of 2008
The high-class watchdog Corporate Library has released its "sneak peek" of the highest-paid CEOS of 2008. Stephen A. Schwarzman, one of Wall Street's highest-flying vultures, raked in "total realized compensation" of $702.4 million.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, August 9, 2009 Was Obama 'Conned' by Big Pharma or Is He Just Running a 'Protection Racket'?
By agreeing to lower prescription costs for seniors by $80 billion, Big Pharma won a key concession from Barack Obama's crew: The drug industry would not have to endure additional pressure from Congress for more savings.
SHARE Monday, August 3, 2009 Israeli-American fraudsters swindled tens of millions from IRS, say Israeli cops
Israel's National Fraud Unit swooped in on offices today and busted the seven Israelis and Americans Monday. Arrests in the U.S. in the phony-tax-return scheme are expected to follow after this undercover operation, dubbed "American Pie."
SHARE Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Goldman racks up record profit
the news that's going to piss off people and lead to a lot of bloviating by pols is the totally expected development that Goldman's execs are putting aside a record amount for their own bonuses and pay.