Advanced Media Group and Stan J. Caterbone are Targeted and Victims of U.S. Sponsored Mind Control Experimentation Programs. We have been engaged in RECLAMATION; (assets; real estate; personal and business real property; intellectual property; and business interests) LITIGATION; and RESEARCH since 2005 in federal and state courts. All activities are for the purpose of restoring Advanced Media Group and all affiliated companies and Stan J. Caterbone to WHOLE. Stan J. Caterbone was recently accepted into the Graduate Studies and Research Program at Millersville University in April of 2009 where a more formal research approach to mind control and MKULTRA programs will be studied. Other studies will be considered in the areas of law; finance; computer science; and philosophy. Stan J. Caterbone and Advanced Media Group are not able to continue it's litigation until it's security needs are satisfied and it's computer/electronic property is returned and/or replaced. Stan J. Caterbone and the Advanced Media Group have been slandered, defamed, and publicly discredited since 1987 due to going public (Whistle Blower) with allegations of misconduct and fraud within International Signal & Control, Plc. of Lancaster, Pa. (ISC pleaded guilty to selling arms to Iraq via South Africa and a $1 Billion Fraud in 1992). Unfortunately we are forced to defend our reputation and the truth without the aid of law enforcement and the media, which would normally prosecute and expose public corruption. We utilize our communications to thwart further libelous and malicious attacks on our person, our property, and our business. We continue our fight for justice through the Courts, and some communications are a means of protecting our rights to continue our pursuit of justice. Advanced Media Group is also a member of the media. Reply if you wish to be removed from our Contact List. How long can Lancaster County and Lancaster City hide me and Continue to Cover-Up my Whistle Blowing of the ISC Scandel? Stan J. Caterbone Advanced Media Group
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