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C.Bid is "not like that anymore."
He now lives a semi-monastic lifestyle with his beloved wife and youngest son deep inside the Bible Belt after crawling away from the wreckage of his past life... Bid's unconventional upbringing and unique education, the subsequent and indispensable wisdom he gained in the gutters and alleyways of the inner city, along with a diverse and somewhat successful career as an artist/entertainer, all play a significant role in his children's free-thinking foundation wherein they are taught to question authority, social norms, and herd mentality in all forms and at all times -with a special emphasis placed upon applying creativity to problem solving and all other aspects of their lives. His hobbies and interests include writing, photography, painting, music, woodworking, research, avoiding rednecks, lowering his cholesterol, and reading. He chooses not to socialize.