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Dede Miller is the Aunt of Army Spc Casey Sheehan who was killed in Iraq on April 4, 2004. Dede was side by side with her sister, Cindy Sheehan, during the summer of 2005 outside of George W. Bush's ranch during the Camp Casey vigil. She has continued to work for Peace, and currently holds a sustained vigil outside of the Military Career Center in Downey, California, giving kids alternative information about truth in recruiting.
(6 comments) SHARE Wednesday, December 1, 2010 Tale Of A Pissed-Off Peace Activist
Those of you who still think we can politely bring Peace and Humanity to our country haven't felt the true scars of sacrifice. You are comfortably numb and want to retain the status quo for reasons I wish I could understand. Those of us willing to stick our necks out feel the soul-searing pain of every life lost or damaged in the quest for empire.