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Ben Winegard is a graduate student studying evolutionary and developmental psychology at the University of Missouri. He has published peer reviewed articles on sports fandom, body dissatisfaction, and evolutionary psychology. He is a voracious reader, loves classical music, skyscrapers, and movies. He is also a political activist and desperately wishes the world were a more just place to live.
(5 comments) SHARE Saturday, April 16, 2011 The Awful Revolution: Is Neoliberalism a Public Health Risk?
This article uses the most recent research in the field of psychology to demonstrate that neoliberalism is a public health hazard. Not only has neoliberalism led to a decline in social capital but it has also increased anxiety and depression.
(3 comments) SHARE Sunday, March 20, 2011 Understanding Bahrain: How Bahrain Shines a Light on Imperial Policies
This article describes the US interest in Bahrain in a regional context and gives background information on the history of Bahrain. It should be of interest to those wishing to learn more about this tiny island nation as well as to political activists of all stripes.