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I am the Editor of www.votescam.org, home of Votescam: The Stealing of America, the book that chronicles my family's investigation -- beginning in 1970 -- into how elections are stolen in America.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012 (5 comments) SHARE Congratulations, Election Integrity Movement! Keep Fighting!
We worked our asses off -- and it worked!
Though we could not entirely prevent fraud in the 2012 election, public awareness of voter suppression, ballot tampering, and the potential for electronic vote rigging was historically unprecedented in 2012.
The effect of our efforts should not be underestimated.
Saturday, November 3, 2012 (65 comments) SHARE Calling Out the Left-Wing Election Rigging Denialists
Calling out the left-wing media denialists who refuse to acknowledge the potential for electronic vote rigging - dismissing it as "conspiracy theory."
Friday, August 12, 2011 (5 comments) SHARE The Iceberg Cometh: Retaking the USA
The Progressives, Radicals and Populists need to unify behind a strategic Movement to take back our democratic system from the corporations before 2012. The reason we now suffer a ruthless Corporatocracy is because we no longer control our own democratic system. Puppet candidates have rigged themselves into office and manipulated our government to hand corporations the keys to the kingdom.